Miguel Pichetto: "Alberto Fernández wanted 70 dollars in the PASO campaign"


Vice President Miguel Pichetto said: "Before taking office, the most voted candidate of the OSP fights with the President of Brazil" Source: LA NACION – Credit: Diego Lima

After the results of the
primary elections,
Miguel Pichetto He pointed hard against
Alberto Fernandez, and noted, "I wanted a
dollar $ 70 in the STEP campaign. "And, later, he fired:" Before presuming, the most voted candidate of the
STEP fights with the president of Brazil. "

In dialogue with TN, the candidate vice-president of
Together for change He said that "tensions and contradictions start to appear in the winning force". And he considered "ridiculous" how Alberto Fernández acts after his victory at PASO. "It's nonsense." There has been here a major primary election, which no one deserves, where Alberto Fernández has been voted the most.We must accept the rules of the game. "

However, he said that "even Alberto Fernández needs elections on October 27" for there to be "legitimately elected authorities". "The government is not defeated, it controls political action.The president makes decisions and we will fight in elections." In the same vein, he called on minority voters to think about the "meaningful vote" and the importance of these elections for the country's future.

He went on to say: "Some things are already happening in international and economic relations, the candidate Alberto Fernández wanted $ 70 as part of the PASO campaign." "This has involved an inflation process that has affected workers' wages and Argentine society has woken Monday much poorer," he added.

Pichetto pointed out that he did not know if there would be any changes in the cabinet and that it is a decision that will depend on
Mauricio Macri. In addition, he announced that the President would take "all
measures that are necessary to provide solutions to people who have had an economic impact and have experienced a complex situation. He added: "The president has given answers based on the message of the polls and I think this is very positive. "

Whatever the case, the vice-presidential candidate said that in principle, the agreement with the IMF would not be changed. While stressing the importance of setting up a tax order, he said that a "sector of society, mainly the middle clbad and the workers, needed measures", such as those announced by Macri.

"People will receive them because they are concrete measures of immediate impact", he answered the question of whether he was convinced that society would interpret it as a late attitude. Then he celebrated "the most humane aspect" that Macri took and stressed: "The message of the polling stations was clear and the president listened to it.It is the thing the more important ".

He also referred to the request for
Roberto Lavagna to suspend the election campaign, and he was adamant to say that he considered it "a demagogic content decision". "It sounds ridiculous because the campaign did not start, it starts in mid-September, and the truth is that progress in a food emergency seems very extreme," he said. He added, "There are people who need the help of the state, and the state is everywhere."

Then, the Peronist spoke about his role in Together for Change and stressed: "I have always had a very correct dialogue with the President.I speak with the President, I am not a Minister.I have always had a very positive back-and-forth dialogue. "

"We are concerned about the same things, we are concerned about the future of the country, international relations … We are concerned about relations with
Brasil. Already before baduming, the most voted candidate of the OSP was fighting with the President of Brazil, "he said. This is not a game to fight "
Jair Bolsonaro, and pointed out how this affects the Argentine economy. Thus, he said that the agreements with Mercosur and the European Union could be in danger. "When you sow winds, you take storms," ​​he says.

In addition, he showed his concern for
Venezuela, although he said: "I know that Argentina is not Venezuela but the risk is isolation". Referring to Kirchnerism, he criticized: "They have never punished the Venezuelan dictatorship nor declared that the atrocious dictatorship of [Nicolás] Mature kills people. "



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