Miguel Pichetto asks to negotiate, but government threatens to extend budget – 04/07/2018


72 days before the deadline – September 15 – for the Executive Branch to send the Draft Budget 2019 to Members, in the most difficult wing of the Government threatens to extend this year ] because they interpret that a negotiation with Peronism will be too expensive. It is the position of a sector of the Macristine administration and also that of Elisa Carrió. The strategic partner of Cambiemos repeats that the agreement with the PJ is useless and that the Pink should advance with the extension.

The debate by the The budget of 2019 is the great debate between the nation and the provinces, which, through the intermediary of their governors, raises the need to review the guidelines for the cuts proposed by the government and even the fiscal compact signed in 2017.

this line, Miguel Ángel Pichetto, leader of the PJ block in the Senate, asked the government to summon the governors to negotiate the project, based on the achievement of the objectives set last month by the International Monetary Fund.

  Elisa Carrió in the session of this Wednesday in the deputies.

Elisa Carrió in the session of this Wednesday in the deputies.

" This is going to be a budget adjustment, which may have an impact in provincial resources, in public works, in the labor market and requires the construction of a political consensus and a dialogue, "he said in a statement to Channel 26.

This is also the position of the sector of Casa Rosada that understands that you should seek an agreement with PJ. " Many governors are willing to give a rational discussion on this question. It is very difficult for Peronism not to approve it, it's a matter of design, "they told Clarín in this wing of the government. added: "There will be a good discussion, but in the macro there will be understanding. Three kilometers less asphalt, one more school or hospital will be discussed, but there will be an agreement "

In 2010, with opposition controlling deputies and with Felipe Sola as a staff member, Cristina Kirchner did not obtained the sanction of the Budget Act 2011. The former president had to extend the decree of this year by decree.In the PJ they insist that Macri will not do the same thing now. 19659004] If the budget is not sanctioned, the government could be left in a situation of political weakness and in a delicate situation on the external front: in 2019 the executive power must go out and seek funding again abroad.

On Tuesday, Pichetto was at the Entre Ríos House during the meeting between the economics ministers of the Peronist provinces. It was agreed to establish a common tactic to negotiate in bulk the scope of the reduction in public spending that Mauricio Macri agreed with the IMF. "I could perceive a willingness of the main governments to sit at the table to discuss the budget," said Pichetto

  Mauricio Macri presenting improvements in the Belgrano Cargas roads.

Mauricio Macri presenting improvements in Belgrano Cargas roads

Peronist Senator raised "rethinking fiscal agreement" and provincial commitment to lower taxes, because "economic conditions have exchange."

"The government seems not to see the reality, something similar happened with the tariffs ", said Pichetto. And he recalled that Congress had voted last year on a 2018 budget with targets that allowed the dollar to rise to $ 19, between 10% and 12% of inflation and parity. 15%. "All these elements flew through the air," he said.

  The PJ block in the Senate this Wednesday

The PJ block in the Senate this Wednesday.

The Peronist Senator also pointed out the "inconsistencies" of change around the course of the economy, so he called for dialogue with a "reasonable" opposition, unlike Kirchner who "will vote against everything in Congress, because he has a look to confront with everything the government demands "

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