Miguel Pichetto criticized politicians who "play with the emotion scheme on the Plaza"


Interview with Miguel Ángel Pichetto, National Senator


The national senator

Miguel Pichetto

He said at a meeting organized by the Bar that in

a possible ballot


Mauricio Macri

and the formula of

Alberto Fernández


Cristina Kirchner

I would not vote for Kirchnerism. In a face-to-face meeting with Carlos Pagni for Odyssey Argentina, he explained: "The crack in Argentina has to do with a democratic vision or with authoritarian concessions that nestle within the unresolved Kirchner." As defined, this year is a pivotal choice.

As he described, Argentina discusses "between a capitalist model and a pattern of intervention from the past, from socialist intervention with a closed economy, stockpiles and control of imports ". However, he made it clear that it is important to defend business because it is not "the happy world of Obama".

For him, the discussion is about international and economic policy. "I think we need to maintain a capitalist and intelligent direction, I believe in openness, not foolish, defending national interests, but integrated into the world," he suggested. He added: "Some areas have a lot of penchant for playing with the emotion scheme of the place".

In addition, Pichetto has differentiated the current situation from that of 2001. "If such a situation were repeated in Argentina, it would mean deep isolation, very complicated and punished the world and the most important countries, Argentina would definitely be a country with little credibility and "defaulteador".

"I do not like emotions and elements that are not rational, in the construction of the road to Argentina, I completely reject the scheme of those places where, often, the worst fate was decided for the country, "he said. And he illustrated this position by speaking of "Argentina Football", where irrationality is outsourced. "I'm totally away from that and the hate component."

In addition, he stated that he did not propose to occupy the vice presidency in Macri's formula, and evoked the reality of Federal Alternative: "There is a strong weakening of space but expectations remain ". And he warned: "I am troubled by the idea of ​​a return from Argentina's past". According to the senator, Argentina looks "with a mirror" and raises debates that were old.

"It would be interesting for those who claim to be defending the poor to look at the example of Venezuela and sometimes talk a lot about poverty and encourage the discourse of the poor, it means that they accept a future of defeat." justicialist. "I do not want to discuss the ideology of pobrismo, but I want to see how we get the poor and place them in the world of work, otherwise we continue to work with plans that are a form of dependency, a model of very precarious democracy where oficialistas always win ".

Later, he spoke of the Macri government and I think he is more federalist than Kirchnerism, because "he had to negotiate and agree in the Senate and yield to the provinces' claims that justice does not had not yet granted. "The Macri project ends in 2023," he said. For him, from that year, the political debate to be held will focus on the generation of 40 to 50 years, which is part of Larreta, Vidal, Uñac and Sergio Mbada, who advised: "I would say to look at the future . "

With regard to justice and corruption, Mr. Pichetto said that "the pre-trial detention process was great for the country because it violated individual rights, guaranteed and delayed compliance with criminal law". "If the only thing that matters in Argentina is Comodoro Py, we have no destination," he said. And he described the fact that the combination between repentant detention and pretrial detention is "pure cyanide". "The laws on repentance and the extinguishment of estates are laws for drug traffickers," he said.

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