Miguel Pichetto "defends" Macri against Majul: "No …


The visit of Miguel Angel Pichetto at the A24 study gave some clues to the spirit that rush into the ranks of Together for change before a defeat that all the polls
They give as inevitable. Interviewed by Luis Majul 4 days, the vice president of Mauricio Macri He seemed to sum it all up in one sentence.

The discussion revolved around "the two axes that appear in the focus groups", located in the economy and security, and despite the deep crisis provoked by the government's economic policies, Pichetto said that the ruling party is better prepared to react The economic plan

In the face of this, Majul forgot the years of closed defense of Cambiemos management and compared with obvious criticism the president to the most repudiated menemism features: "Macri m surprised me by talking about salary improvement, Menem seemed with a productive revolution and pay, "and Pichetto replied: "Do you think that only Fernandez can say something?". He then came back convinced that the economy was functioning well before PAHO's defeat and that "when this electoral process is over and still win Macrithere will be a stability framework. "Because, in the current context, everything can be said.



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