Miguel Pichetto: "Kirchnerism would like a scenario similar to that of 2001, a type of disaster"


Michelangelo Pichetto Source: LA NACION – Credit: Rodrigo Néspolo

In the last part of the campaign, towards
STEP Sunday, the vice president pre-candidate for
Together for change,
Michelangelo Pichetto, was in De la Plaine, by TN, and badyzed the political situation. The senator stated that
In front of all "He would like a scenario similar to that of 2001, a type of disaster, with a mega-evaluation." He added: "They would like to form the government, even though I think they intend to blow it up at this point, but it will not happen because they will not win the elections. ".

"The vision of distributionism, from populism to Venezuela, such as the one posed
Axel Kicillof, is a very dangerous model for the country because it would walk almost to the periphery of the default. And I think they'd like it, "said Pichetto.Throughout the interview, the vice presidential candidate plunged into the" inconsistencies and contradictions "of the formula

"Kicillof said that he economically, he did not share ideas with Alberto Fernández.He talks as if he was the Minister of Finance, and Cristina validates it.They would have a problem if they reached the government, "he explained.

The Peronist Senator recalled that when he commanded the Front of All in the campaign "they had to choose" between Kicillof and Guillermo Nielsen, who advises the presidential candidate, Alberto Fernández, "he was pulled from the truck for Nielsen who had to leave to say no it was a counselor. "

"They already have a problem if they reach the government," Pichetto badyzed, noting that Kicillof "speaks as if he was the next Minister of Economy and that the ex-president (Cristina Fernández) the valid one "

Pichetto envisioned a future government of the Front of All extremely conflictual. For him, the efforts of Peronism took place in "a complex scenario where the real power is on one side and the formal power on the other". On the other hand, the politician said "very aware of the role of vice president" and the caution that accompanies this work.

Asked about the influence of the Buenos Aires elections on the national vote, the senator said he was confident and said that he did not think that would significantly alter the outcome of the elections. He categorically said, "I have an optimistic view of the elections, we will be both in the province and in the nation."



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