Miguel Pichetto: "Marcos Galperin should talk to Juan Grabois"


Interview with Miguiel Ángel Pichetto


The candidate vice-president
Miguel Pichetto was in
Small table, and there he talked about the elections, the country's economy and the role of
businessmen. With this in mind, he emphasized the management of some sector referents as
Marcos Galperin, co-founder and CEO of Mercado Libre. He stated that he did not disclose whether he was speaking with the candidates or not: "The dialogue never seems to me bad," he said, pointing out the management of this man. business during his last visit. "Galperin should talk to Juan Grabois, that would be interesting," he added jokingly.

In addition, he referred to the complaint of some businessmen before the judge for the government to decide to freeze rates. "All claim that this is a problem in Argentina." Social demand often exceeds the state's ability to respond, "he protested. He added: "The worst thing would be to go back to a subsidy policy."

In the same interview, in an exclusive interview given to José Del Rio by LN +, Pichetto said: "If you have to set up a transnational program with companies, this is the responsibility of the government.I am not a member of the Security Council , I'm running for vice president formula
Together for change".

"They want to advance the elections of October"

The Peronist said how the President is after
the electoral defeat. "It's very good, with a very good attitude." He badyzed the election result and took action, some people are in the same sense about people, I think the vote should always be badyzed and the result logically a reason ".

He then badessed: "Certain sectors that have been affected and which have undoubtedly been subject to restrictions have made deep claims and some sectors have also punished the government by voting for minority expressions." In any case, he optimistically launched: "Nothing that can not be reversed."

Although he felt that "the result and the will of the people can not be ignored", the vice-presidential candidate pointed out: "Many people did not vote or vote for minor options that I think will be set aside in October, which are used as a punishment for
Mauricio Macri, they will cease to be voted because they do not set up a useful vote, an exchange vote or a continuity vote. It's a lost vote. "

Pichetto pointed out that his formula would be "competitive" in October and said that "if the numbers seem difficult, he is confident that a second round could take place." However, he criticized the fact that some people "want to move forward
Election of October"and that" there are people interested in the transition, from the outside and from the inside. "

While he is of the opinion that "we should not blame those who voted," the companion of Macri's formula pointed out that the economic complexities that the country is going through are the result of lack of credibility and of trust that has been created around the country. from the result of the election of the

"The Cámpora crosses the province of Buenos Aires"

On this issue, he opposed the
Alberto Fernandez and
Cristina Kirchner"There is a complex scenario and the most voted candidate in the primary does not help and, if, in addition, it expresses the will of the former president, it is also very complicated." As he denounced, the sectors outside the government "play the role of democrats", but they are not.

Among other things, he criticized the fact that they are talking about "debt restructuring" and explained: "The sectors concerned are cautioned because they think that something very complicated will happen if the new government will not be prepared to meet its obligations Argentina. "

For him, "they hid" Cristina in this campaign "because they should not show it, it should be a more moderate look of the candidate". As he argued "the formula[of
In front of all]it's an anomaly "and he added," They have hidden the true power of the formula, the true centrality and the decision. They concealed the legislative construction because the deputies and the senators who compose the lists of the Front of All were chosen by La Cámpora and by her ".

While he said that
Axel Kicillof "It is the candidate who has allowed them to win," he said. "It's not a real power, the
Maximum [Kirchner]. Kicillof is the face that expressed the vote of the citizens, but La Cámpora crosses the province of Buenos Aires. "And Pichetto added that the Peronist mayors" will look at the flag while they have their municipality. They are electricity deals, they examine the investigation and go to the sun. "

Moreover, speaking of comparisons between Argentina and Venezuela, he said that it is "ridiculous" to say that the
Nicolás Maduro It looks like the country today. "It's a dictatorship that kills and makes people disappear."

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