Miguel Pichetto: “You have to buy good vaccines, don’t come see me with the Cuban who is stupid”


“Don’t come to me with cuban vaccine which is a stupidity“: With the politically incorrect attitude that characterizes him, Michelangelo Pichetto, continues its crusade against vaccines against coronavirus prepared by Cuba that the government intends to acquire soon.

“We must open our heads and vaccinate as many people as possible,” asked the former candidate for the vice-presidency in 2019 and leader of Republican Peronism, a member of Ensemble for Change. “They have to buy vaccines that are goodDon’t give me the Cuban vaccine, that’s stupid. Purchases Modern, Johnson & johnson which is a single dose, ”he added in dialogue with Radio Rivadavia.

At the beginning of June, the Argentine Ambassador to Cuba, Luis Ilarregui, predicted that the Soberana and Abdala vaccines, developed by laboratories in Cuba, would likely arrive in August for the country. “When in Cuba they have vaccinated 70% of its population, which will be in August, the Cuban vaccine will surely reach Argentina,” the diplomat said in an interview with Radio with you.

Carla Vizzotti met Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez at the end of May in Havana (Photo: Télam).

At the end of mayo, the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, had met at Havana with the President of Cuba, Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermúdez. She was accompanied by the presidential adviser Cecilia Nicolini. In a press release, Vizzotti said that “they are working hard to strengthen ties, access vaccine, but most importantly collaborate in whatever they can, both from providing inputs, to the possibility of purchase and assistance to increase production ”.

The Cuban Sovereign 02 vaccine achieved 62% efficacy with the application of two of its three planned doses, an intermediate result that exceeds the 50% required by the World Health Organization, reported the scientific authorities of the island. “We can report that we have achieved an efficiency of 62% with the application of two doses of the vaccine (Soberana) 02 ″, a “heartwarming” result because it occurred with the mutant strains already circulating in the country, Vicente Vérez, director of the Finlay Vaccine Institute, who developed the vaccine told local press. .

The Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), which developed the Abdala, reported that the vaccine showed an efficiency of 92.28%.

This Thursday was not the first time that Pichetto questioned the possibility of acquiring the Cuban vaccine, as no agreement is reached with the main laboratories of United States. “Let’s finish with this question of Cuba, I don’t know how we can talk about buying vaccines in Cuba, which is a country of extreme poverty, Cuba. You can’t even sell us aspirin we even had to send them injections because they didn’t have syringes … “he said in another interview last week.


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