Mike Pompeo: "President Macri does his best to try to reform the economy"


"The government [argentino] It takes difficult but important steps to build sustainable development. It is a difficult road, not without danger. Neither without results, "said the US Secretary of State Source: AP – Credit: Jorge Saenz

With praise for


– "a model for the hemisphere" – and considerations for the "new era of freedom in South America", Michael Richard Pompeo, better known as Mike Pompeo, secretary of state at

United States

he badured to visit


that the president

Mauricio Macri

"It does the hard work of trying to reform the economy."

"Argentina decided that the old models did not give results, these solutions were no longer working, it was not what they were looking for," he said.
Pompeo in the Chilean capital.

"There is a sentence in English, probably in Spanish too, but I will say it in English today, which says that what is popular is not always the right thing, but that the good thing "It's not always popular," he said.

"President Macri is doing the hard work to reform the economy, we thank him for doing so, his people will come out better. [argentino] takes tough but important steps to build sustainable growth. It is a difficult road, not without danger. Neither without results. Argentina has recently returned to global credit markets for the first time in 15 years, "said the US diplomat.

"This is how prosperity is built, democracies strengthened, voters who opt for bolder visions, countries struggling against their own internal problems and relying on strong external relations." We can not ignore the importance of this crucial moment. "he said.

Pompeo, who badumed the mighty
Department of State Almost a year ago, after being Director of the CIA from January 2017 to April 2018, he is on an official visit to Latin America: he was in Chile yesterday, he is now in


and then go to


and finally it will be in


, on the border with



The Pompeo tour -
The Pompeo tour – "to deepen American alliances" – includes Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Colombia Source: AFP – Credit: Claudio Reyes

Pompeo and the president of Chile, Sebastián Piñera
Pompeo and the president of Chile, Sebastián Piñera Source: AFP – Credit: Martín Bernetti

The President of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benitez, and Pompeo
The President of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benitez, and Pompeo Source: AP – Credit: Jorge Saenz


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