Mike Pompeo travels to Russia to talk about Venezuela, Iran and disarmament agreements


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in Russia on Tuesday first visit able to deal with the extension of the new START, the treaty that limits offensive strategic weapons and will expire in 2021. They will also discuss the situation in Venezuela, where Washington and Moscow maintain opposing positions and the worsening of the Iranian nuclear crisis.

Pompeo, which was originally scheduled to arrive in Moscow yesterday, canceled at the last minute the visit of the Russian capital to share with European partners in Brussels information on the "Growing threat" that Iran badumes, according to the State Department.

Pompeo went directly to the Russian Sochi station on the shores of the Black Sea, where he will meet his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, the EFE news agency reported.

After the talks, Pompeo and Lavrov will be received by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who "will be informed of the results of the negotiations," said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

Less than two weeks ago, US President Donald Trump expressed his optimism to improve relations with Moscow during a telephone conversation of more than one hour with the Russian leader.

In addition to the situation in Venezuela and the Iranian nuclear crisis, the other major issue on the agenda is the gun control after the United States announced its intention to revise the Cold War strategic disarmament treaties, sometimes including China.

Pompeo and Lavrov will talk about the extension of the new START, the treaty that limits strategic offensive arming and will expire in 2021, which, according to experts, is gaining vital importance due to the abandonment by the United States and Russia INF Treaty, missile elimination means and means reach

According to the Russian press, it is not excluded that the Sochi consultations will attack the possibility of a meeting between the Russian president and his American counterpartDonald Trump, which could take place next June at the G20 summit in Osaka (Japan).


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