Military parade, a flying man and detainees marked the anniversary of the French Revolution


"Never before since the end of the Second World War, Europe was so necessary, the construction of a defensive Europe, in cooperation with the Atlantic Alliance (NATO), which is 70 years old, is a priority for France and is the Macron guiding principle in his speech, according to the local newspaper Le Monde.

The majestic military parade included German, British, Belgian, Danish, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, Dutch and Portuguese forces as well as French troops.


The deployment of troops this Sunday in France.

The deployment of troops this Sunday in France.

Argentine News

In total, some 4,300 soldiers, 196 vehicles, 237 horses, 69 aircraft and 39 helicopters marched on the Avenue des Champs-Elysees in Paris to commemorate the takeover of the Bastille in 1789, a landmark date with which commemorates the triumph of the Revolution. French and the end of the monarchy in the country, according to the news agency EFE.

In this context, French jet-ski world champion Franky Zapata gave an impressive show on his flying platform and with a rifle in his hand, the Champs-Élysées de Paris.

This artifact, called "Flyboard" and invented by Zapata itself, is powered by five overhead turbojets that allow takeoff and advance up to 190 km / h, with a range of about ten minutes.

This device "will test different uses, such as a flying logistics platform or an badault platform" for the military, commented shortly before the Minister of the Army. Florence Parly on France Inter radio.

From the main stand, the host Macron He was accompanied by some of his ministers and European personalities such as Merkel, Stoltenberg, the number two of the British government, David Lidington, the Spanish Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, and the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker.

The ceremony began when Macron pbaded a magazine of troops in a military vehicle, accompanied by uniformed officers, who borrowed the traditional avenue of the Parisian center.

Sometimes, Macron was whistled and whistled by some people who followed the parade from one side of the Champs-Elysees Avenue. These opposition samples have no scale, at least in this area of ​​the city.


A protester is arrested during the military parade of the anniversary of the French Revolution.

A protester is arrested during the military parade of the anniversary of the French Revolution.

Argentine News

A few blocks away, a group of people, some wearing yellow vests, a distinctive symbol of the protest movement that paralyzed France for months, demonstrated against the Macron government and its economic policy.

The demonstrators, summoned by the movement of yellow vests, settled in the Avenue des Champs-Elysees once the parade finished and managed to stay there for a while until the security forces repressed them with tear gas.

"Those who have tried to prevent this parade should have a little shame, today is a day when the nation unites and I believe that the nation must be respected"Christophe Castaner, French Minister of the Interior, told the press shortly before the police 175 people had been arrested during an unauthorized demonstration.

According to the CNews television channel, two of the detainees are Jérôme Rodrigues and Éric Drouet, referents of the yellow vests movement.

In the image of this morning of military discipline, advanced technologies and the spirit of European cooperation eventually replaced the end of the afternoon, with the traditional Parisian avenue dotted small bonfires, fences everywhere, police officers and protesters in yellow vests flowing between them amidst dense clouds of tear gas.


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