Military satisfaction for a 20% salary increase in the armed forces.


After the military unrest, the president met in Olivos with Aguad and the leaders of the three forces

In a rare meeting, the president

Mauricio Macri
received yesterday at the residence Olivos, early morning, the Minister of Defense,

Oscar Aguad
and to the leaders of the armed forces to announce a
wage increase of 20% for the military.

In some cases, as in the case of retired staff, the improvement exceeds this percentage and could be between 24 and 28%.

Ministry of Defense
expected LA NACION that the increase will be gradual and will be paid in three installments, with salaries for July, August and September. It also includes a 3% bleaching of wages, to progress steadily in the elimination of fixed sums, and the hierarchy of military scales and ranks.

The decision aims to reverse the discomfort that had generated on the ground the meager increase of 8% in lower ranks and the payment of fixed sums of $ 2,000 in July and $ 4,500 in August to senior officers, who had been announced last week. This measure was signed in a joint resolution by Aguad and the Minister of Finance,

Nicolás Dujovne

In this voltage scenario,
the government ordered the suspension of the July 9 military parade that had been scheduled in the streets of Palermo due to budget restrictions.

Given the negative reaction to the initial increase, the government promised to revise the measure. Although it is known at this time that a general increase of about 15% has been estimated, which would imply a mbad of $ 500 million, this time with a 20% confirmed percentage , the economic impact of the measure has not been specified.

Beyond the 20% increase in wages in the airships, they have significantly badessed the performance ofMacriavecAguad and the armed forces

"This is a gesture to be underlined, especially after the uncertainty that there was generated the previous situation", confided to LA NACION a military source.

The new guideline

At the meeting in Olivos, the chief executive explained to the military leaders that the government was making a budgetary effort to recompose salaries, rank the scales and advance the laundering of wages.

They accompanied Minister Aguad to the meeting with the President Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant-General Bari del Valle Sosa; of the army, General Claudio Pasqualini, and Navy, Vice Admiral Jose Luis Villán, and the Deputy Chief of the Air Force, Brigadier Gustavo Testoni

The President decided to improve the pay scale of military personnel by 20% gap separating the badets of the armed forces. As for the security forces, who have benefited from a 15% improvement.

In this sense, the meager increase now canceled has caused some distortions, according to the complaints heard in the building Libertador, headquarters of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Armed forces. With this improvement, for example, a ship captain, with 36 years of service in the Navy, cashed $ 73,152, nearly 70% less than a gendarmerie commander of the same rank, who receives 100 $ 134

Another concern in the military units was that the differentiated increase between the different hierarchies and the payment of fixed sums for senior staff would flatten the pay pyramid and reduce the difference between the highest salary. high and the lowest salary in the hierarchy. In different sections of the Armed Forces, the news of the increase was received with satisfaction. However, several sources consulted preferred to wait to know the details of the wage recomposition in the various military scales to give a more badertive opinion.

It is also estimated that during the last week of this month, President Macri would share the traditional camaraderie dinner with the Armed Forces, which took place historically at this time of the year

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