million. Macri thanked the international community for the important support it has given to its management


Macri still speaks of "storm" to explain the exchange rate and the sharp devaluation that has rocked the country in recent months, and said he is satisfied with the results so far.

"A few weeks ago we were facing a storm due to external volatilities and some internal factors, but we managed to navigate these turbulent waters and stay the course," said the President, surrounded by his finance ministers, Nicolás Dujovne, and the head of the Central Bank, Luis Caputo

In this sense, has once again confirmed the direction of economic policy that drives his government and thanked the international community for supporting its Management: "The international community has given strong support to our country, thank you all for that", said.

The President also badured that Argentina will "accelerate the pace next year's growth "

Next, the Minister of Finance and Finance, Nicolás Dujovne, will give a press conference with the President of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, Lu is Caputo, which is scheduled for 16h30

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