Millionaire rewards for bin Laden's son


The United States government yesterday offered a million dollars worth of information to locate the son of the late terrorist leader Osama bin Laden. The state department said in a notice that money would be paid in exchange for badistance in locating Hamza bin Laden in any country as part of his program "Rewards for Justice". Bin Laden's son has become the leader of the al-Qaida terrorist network. His father was killed during a US military operation in May 2011 in Pakistan.

In January 2017, Hamza bin Laden was labeled a "specially designated global terrorist". Bin Laden's son asked in audio and video messages the commission of attacks against the United States and their allies.

Al-Qaeda is responsible for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States and other relevant acts. Hamza Bin Laden is married to the daughter of Mohammed Atta, the main pirate in the air of the 9/11 attacks. He is now called to reunite Al Qaeda.


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