Millionaire seeks an assistant to travel the world and collect 32 000 euros


Assemble the curriculum and the bags at the same time. An Australian entrepreneur is looking for an badistant to accompany him on his travels around the world and help him manage the number of his multiple companies.

Matthew Lepre is the Australian millionaire at the origin of such an offer. Lepre owns four e-commerce companies and spends much of its life traveling between Sydney, Japan, Dubai and Hawaii.

The ground floor offered is 32,000 euros. "The final salary will be determined based on the experience of the person.All travel and accommodation expenses will be paid, as well as medical insurance," he explains in an interview with the Daily Mail .

"Traveling while working has allowed me to live the ideal life and I want to give another person the opportunity to do the same thing by my side," Matthew says.

The requirements

The candidate must be able to perform several tasks at the same time, that is to say that he is multitasking in this ideal case.

You must establish travel itineraries and organize meetings, among others.

He is supposed to be attentive to the details, proactive and very punctual.

Interested persons can register via the web link "Ecom Warrior" in which it is necessary to specify why this person and not another should be chosen for the post.


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