Minera Vale has planned to evacuate 200 additional people in Brazil


"The decision is a preventative measure and comes after the review of data badysis reports prepared by specialized companies engaged to advise Vale", The company reported in a statement.

It's an "inactive" dam, said Vale, located in his Mar Azul mine, in the municipality of Nova Lima, metropolitan area of ​​Belo Horizonte.

The evacuation, carried out jointly with the Civil Defense and the local authorities, includes 49 residences and businesses in the city of Macacos, 25 km from the state capital.

The residents are directed to a community center and will be housed in hotels in the area.added the company.

On February 8, an additional 500 people were evacuated preventively around two other mines, one belonging to Vale and the other to global steel giant ArcelorMittal.

The Brazilian mining giant, the world's largest producer of iron ore, was the owner of the breakwater that erupted in Brumadinho, generating a tsunami of 13 million cubic meters of mud and mine waste who has devastated with all the life that he has found on his way.

In its fatal descent of about nine kilometers to the Paraopeba River, which is now polluted with sediment, destroyed the administrative facilities of the mine, the dining room where many employees had lunch, an inn and several houses in the rural area of ​​Brumadinho.

Under a sea of ​​dry mud that occupies about 290 hectares, firefighters have found 166 bodies, but 147 people are still missing.

Eight officials from Vale, including the managers and technicians directly involved in the security of the lifting who broke, they were arrested this Friday to determine his responsibility in the "hundreds of homicides" derived from the tragedy, according to the public prosecutor of Minas Gerais.

This is not the first time that the company is involved in a disaster of enormous magnitude in recent years. In 2015, a dike from a Samarco mine (a joint project of Vale and the Australian BHP) broke out, generating a new tide of mud that left 19 dead and the worst environmental disaster in the world. 39, history of Brazil.


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