"Minister offends us" | The stigmatizer says …


"All the" gypsy populace "arrested, including the second who was in the car, one of Yadon's two badbadins and the one who seriously injured MP Olivares," the minister said yesterday. of Security, Patricia Bullrich, who without forgetting the tone revanchista of its speech completed: "Who makes them pay them !!!". Jorge Emilio Nedich, writer, teacher and gypsy, condemned the minister's remarks and spoke of the discrimination suffered by his community: "The scoundrels of the minister are extremely hurtful because they discriminate against us and marginalize us," he said. said at a daily dialogue "If she wants to investigate the mafias, take a closer look.Let's start with the president himself," he said.

"This family, to my knowledge, is made up of workers, who have offended themselves, have avenged themselves and I suppose they should all repent, holding their heads," Nedich told Página12, about the main suspects arrested for the attack against the deputy. Héctor Olivares and the manager Miguel Yadón.

"The mode of operation that these people had, that they were drunk, the pachorra with which they acted, with their own weapons and their own car, being parked in the garage of always, in the district where they live, do not respond to the characteristic of a mafia family, "considered the writer. And he said: "And what I say does not exempt the gypsies from the barbarity that they did, for which they will have to pay.But from there to talk about the mafia of gypsies .. What does the minister say? She is the minister and she must be consistent because many of us have to face social stigma later on, as she says. "

Nedich said: "There is one of my novels, The Black Breath of the Roma, where the protagonist is very poor and wants to get out of poverty by having three daughters to marry them and, with the dowry, buy a bear to dance them. and fill them up in silver.This idea is as absurd as that of a character Roberto Arlt, who claims to finance the revolution with the money of prostitution.And it is also absurd to mark this mafia family. This is more like a baseless literary expression than information provided by a minister, just as the gypsy will not get rich with a dancing bear, just as you can not finance the revolution with money from prostitution, you can not claim that two drunk guys who, in their own vehicle, do what they did to hide themselves in their own chest belong to the "Gypsy mafia" ".

"The minister has accustomed us to these kinds of statements and the truth is that they are offensive." I wonder: if the facts, as they are, without touching anything, would have been committed by two Jews, would you say Do you think that was the Jewish Mafia, and if I had said, would I still be a minister? "asked Nedich. "If she wants to investigate the mafias, take a closer look, let's start with the president himself, who confessed his father, I think that Claudio Avruj, Julio Croci and Aníbal Gutiérrez should talk to the minister because everything is not If we're talking about the mafia, why do not we question the flight of capital and timba? ", he added.

Finally, after the repercussions of Bullrich's message, the National Human Rights Secretariat expressed "concern over references to the Roma community, the badault of the deputy, Héctor Olivares, and the badbadination of the Miguel Yadón. "" It seems to us unreasonable to include the entire Roma community and to badociate it with criminal behavior for the sole reason that some of its members may have committed an illegal act for which they must respond to justice in the course of investigation, "said the Secretariat. Avruj charge.

Nedich also questioned the role of the media, which "are unfortunately found in these speeches, in the desire to sell." These things hurt a lot. Because there is a journalistic ethic that is not respected and that, on the part of the government, there is total inaction regarding these abuses, "he said.

Jorge Nedich has never been to school. After a few attempts in the education system, he eventually learned to read and write on his own. Today, he is the author of several books, including Leyenda gitana, El Pepe Firmenich and El Biento Negro del Roma. "I am a teacher and I can badure you that it is very difficult for the children of the Roma community to enter the garden.And there are also many problems in primary school because all of them have no vacancies for gypsies.In many provinces they are trained outside the settlements and this can not be done, "Nedich explained. And he asked, "Why do we have so much difficulty being accepted by schools and by our colleagues?" What about discrimination? What does Inadi do? Why over 80,000 gypsies, I am the only one, I think, who has a degree and who is teaching? ".

"These scoundrels in the mouth of a minister hurt a lot, because they discriminate against us and marginalize us.Because of lack of education, we have an average life of 55 years, we do not know our rights or the rights of We do not make any contribution: 70% of people over 50 are illiterate and only 30% read and write, but have not completed their primary or secondary education, and under-50s scarcely read and write. only 20 or 30 percent have completed primary school, "he said.

Report: Azul Tejada.


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