MinSalud has reorganized the stages of vaccination in Colombia: this is how the groups have remained


A nurse is vaccinating an elderly person today at the Pascual Guerrero stadium in Cali (Colombia).  EFE / Ernesto Guzman Jr
A nurse has an elderly person vaccinated today at the Pascual Guerrero stadium in Cali (Colombia). EFE / Ernesto Guzman Jr

After reaching the record of one million vaccines applied in just six days, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection announced further changes in the national immunization plan, this time in the populations that make up each of the current stages of said vaccination strategy against covid-19.

The modification will be given by means of a decree which has not been officially published, but which has already been announced by the portfolio itself, and with which “An update is made, including populations and co-morbidities that are at higher risk for the virus”. In other words, groups tend to grow, including those in Stage 2, which has been underway since March 16 of this year.

“The adjustments were made on the basis of scientific evidence, which allowed the identification of new comorbidities with a greater risk against the virus and other populations which, because of their exposure, increase the risk of infection, ”said the ministry’s director of promotion and prevention, Gerson Bermont.

In this sense, for example, Stage 2 ends with all the healthy human talent working in PE, the control bodies and various organizations that assist, support and validate the entire process of care and management of covid-19; while in issue 3, adults between 50 and 59 would eventually come in, which previously belonged to the fifth group.

Stage 4 includes the population aged 40-49 and all rescue groups. “Initially, this stage had all the control bodies, but we included this age group,” added the official. During this time, stage 5 will have the population aged 16 to 39 without comorbidities.

However, the groups would be divided as follows:

– Population aged 60 to 79.

– All human talents; health professionals in the compulsory social service; medical residents and their teachers within the framework of teaching agreements – internal physicians and departments of all health service providers of any level of complexity that are active in one of the services provided by the health service providers and that are not classified in step 1.

– Human talent in health and support for patients of health service providers

– Traditional doctors, ancestral experts and agents of their own health.

– Students in the field of health in clinical practice.

– Human talent support the response to the pandemic, the national vaccination plan, the expanded vaccination and inspection plan, surveillance and control.

– Human talent in health who looks after patients or visits providers in spaces other than IPS.

– A human talent who works in blood banks, organs and tissues.

– Population between 50 and 59 years old.

– Population aged 16 to 59, presenting at least one of the following conditions:

– Hypertensive diseases

– Acute ischemic heart disease

– Heart failure

– Cardiac arrhythmias

– Cerebrovascular disease

– Diabetes

– Renal failure


– Cancer

– Tuberculosis



– Obesity Grade 1, 2 and 3 (body mass index> 30)

– On the waiting list for vital organ transplants

– Post transplantation of vital organs.

– Neurological disorders

– Down syndrome

– Primary immune deficiency

– Schizophrenia, schizotypal disorder and delusional disorders

– Autism

– Bipolar disorder

– Intellectual disability and other mental disorders due to head trauma or somatic dysfunction or disease

– Cystic fibrosis

– Educational agents, mothers and fathers of the community related to early childhood services, identified by the ICBF.

– Teachers, educational directors, logistical and administrative support staff initial, preschool, basic primary, basic secondary, secondary and higher education establishments.

– Caregivers of special protection populations.

– Public force.

– Native guard and brown guard.

– The human talent of funeral homes, crematoria and cemeteries that handle corpses.

– Staff of the Personnel Research Unit.

– Colombian migration staff.

– The highest national, municipal, district and departmental police and health authority.

– Staff of the Attorney General’s office.

– Population deprived of liberty.

– Staff whose functions are in direct contact with the population deprived of their liberty.

– First responders in risk management.

– The inhabitants of the street.

– Human talent working in social services for the homeless population.

– Pilots and attendants of active international flights and crews of international freight vessels.

– High risk aeronautical personnel.

– Human Talent of the Family Police Stations responsible for the care and protection of the population victim of domestic violence.

– Human talented field care staff for emergencies and disasters of the UNGRD.

– Population aged 40 to 49.

– Population aged 16 and over not found in populations indicated in stages 1, 2, 3 and 4.

– The order of application will be maintained starting with adults between 30 and 39 years old, until reaching the young people and adolescents who are part of the target population of the national immunization plan.

“With these modifications we attach greater importance to the protection of life and the risk under the PNV, ”concluded Bermont.


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