Miracle: a whale swallowed a diver and then spat it out


The man was photographing South African marine life when everything suddenly became dark and he felt great saving pressure.

A diver was almost totally swallowed by a whale in South Africa. The mammal absorbed it with other fish and then spit it out. Rainer Schimpf, 51, revealed that during the 15 years he had worked as a photographer instead, something like this had never happened to him.

"I was trying to take a picture of a shark and suddenly everything went black and I felt pressure, I knew it immediately: a whale had caught me. feel the pressure on my hip.There is no time to fear in such a situation, you must use your instinct, "he said.

It was a Bryde's whale, weighing about 30 tons. After a few seconds, the animal let go and Rainer could tell the story. His colleague Heinz Toperczer filmed all this miraculous accident.


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