Miracle in Thailand: Six days of rain could complicate rescue of children trapped – 05/07/2018


Rescue fears on Thursday that the rains announced for the next days will flood the cave again where twelve miners and one adult were trapped for twelve days in northern Thailand and cancel the drainage works carried out until 39, now

  More than 1,300 people are working to save the twelve boys and their coach trapped in a cave (AFP).

More than 1,300 people work to save the twelve boys and their coach trapped in a cave (AFP)

"We fought against time when we found them, now we are fighting against water (…) We can not risk new floods, "Narongsak Osotthanakorn, commander of rescue operations in Chiang Rai Province, where the cave is located, in a national park.

"There at one week, at the entrance to the cave, the water was reaching the height of the Japanese Shigeki Mijake, a member of Japan's international cooperation team, told EFE

A Twenty extraction pumps work relentlessly and extract thousands of gallons of water from the cave per hour, which translates into the approximate decrease in water level in the water. 39 cm inside the hour

  The relatives of the boys trapped wait for developments near the entrance to the cave (AFP

Parents of boys trapped await news near the cave entrance (AFP).

"We hope the waters will fall, so I do not buy to put the children's lives during their extraction," said Israeli Rafael Arush, of the divers' team volunteers.

The extraction plan that has more force in the current conditions is that the trapped diver weighs a few hundred meters along narrow blind pbadages but accompanied by two divers and attached to a rope that would serve as a guide.

"Authorities and rescue teams badess all possible dangers before making a decision," Australian security forces spokesman Matt Fitgerald told the media. work.

Fitgerald specified that they have established a temporary camp with air pumps and pumps in a cave located 1.5 kilometers from the trapped group

An option backed by international divers is a step rescue by stage, in which they transfer the victims first to this temporary camp before attempting to go abroad.

  One of the images recorded by the rescuers who arrived at the place where the children are trapped (AP).

One of the images recorded by the rescuers who arrived on the site. where the children are trapped (AP) ..

The commander of the rescue operations in Chiang Rai province today avoided commenting when the rescue will be attempted, although insisted that The operation is performed in a gradual by first getting the children out in better physical and psychological conditions.

The group – consisting of twelve boys between 11 and 16 years old and a 26 year old adult – was found on Monday night in a dry land island about four kilometers away. Inside the cavern after nine days of intense research in which more than 1300 people participated

Visibly thin, but in a good mood, the miners are supported by a dozen soldiers, among them a doctor and a psychologist .

Through the provision of vitamin supplements, this football team and its trainer are gradually recovering their strength, while receive an intensive course of diving and swimming .

Thirteen entered galleries on Saturday, June 23 after a training session. útbol A sudden storm began to flood the cavity and cut off the exit

The rangers who gave warning found bicycles, shoes and other belongings of the missing at the entrance of the cave.

  More than 1,300 people the twelve boys and their coach trapped in a cave (AFP).

More than 1,300 people work to save the twelve boys and their coach trapped in a cave (AFP).

Army elite corps, effective Rescuers and volunteers, as well as experts from the United States, Japan, China and Australia, participated in search and rescue operations that put Thailand's society on hold and was followed by media from around the world

Source: EFE.

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