Miracle in Thailand: The key moments of the rescue of the 12 children who move the world – 07/08/2018


June 23

Mae Sai Province of Chiang Rai is famous for hosting a series of isolated and untouched caves, which attract a large number of tourists and explorers each year. A group of 12 children aged 11 to 16, members of a football team, as well as their coach entered this cave Saturday, several kilometers long. It is not known whether they did it as an adventure or to take refuge from bad weather .

But the cave has become a trap.

The group of children and adolescents was in an area of ​​Mae Sai locality of Chiang Rai that was hit by heavy rains. The flood blocked the road where the children walked and entered the cave "No Tham Luang Nang"

"The rising waters blocked the road, which is as wide as one person, leaving the group trapped inside the network of caves, "reported Kamolchai Kotcha, spokesman for National Parks

June 24 [19659002Thedisappearanceoftheboyswaslinkedtothediscovery at the entrance to the square, and several witnesses said they saw traces of footsteps in one of the cave chambers

In the rescue tasks, air crews were also badigned to try to see another entrance to the cave, because the water blocked the entrance, they began to use about 20 water pumps to extract the liquid level in the critical parts of the cave

  View of Tham Luang cave in Chiang Rai province (Thailand). (EFE)

View of Tham Luang Cave in Chiang Rai Province (Thailand). (EFE)

June 27

The rain maintained its intensity and complicated the search. The entrance to the cave was completely submerged . About a dozen divers and other rescuers returned to the partially flooded cave to pick up the children, but they could not move on. "We remain optimistic that everyone is alive," said Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwon

"Although they may have nothing to eat, they should drink l & # 39; water. " they participate in the operation inside the cave. (AP) ” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

More than 1,300 people participate in the operation inside the cave. (AP)

June 28

Approximately 1,300 soldiers were mobilized on the scene, including police, emergency personnel, and elite army teams. They all carry out raking work in the cave, located near the Burma border in Myanmar.

Divers continued to search for a path through the caves of the complex, but were forced to suspend their efforts several times.

Authorities also They are looking for alternative ways to use helicopters and research groups on foot to find holes that might exist in the roofs of other parts of the cave.

"We have been working for almost 24 hours, but there are many limitations, the level of oxygen is very low in some areas and the scattered rains have made our task more difficult," said Kotcha.

July 1

The lack of news about young people triggered the alarm, and the country's rescue teams, including members of the Thai army, settled there . those who joined forces from other countries, such as the United States, Japan, Australia and China. The rescue teams worked at several points of access to the Tham Luang Nang Caves and used new maps from the Mineral Resources Department of Thailand to reduce the search area.

Heavy rains did not allow the helicopters to leave. find alternative entries possible in the caves for a while.

However, authorities were found to find the group alive.

  One of the images of boys found in a cave that traveled the world.

One of the pictures of boys found in a cave that traveled the world.

2 July

After nine hard days of search, the rescue teams located the group . "The seals of the Thai navy have found thirteen alive," Governor Narongsak Osottanakorn told reporters.

The group was concentrated on a ledge in the distance, in the meanders of the cave, located on the border with Myanmar. Laos But they still can not be saved.

"They must wait and be strong," said the governor.

4 July

The evacuation operation would be tricky and rescuers warned that they would not rush. to run it, because the way back travels several kilometers through narrow areas and difficult steps under the water.

Some speculated that they could pbad several months until a rescue plan could be worked out.

With the help of Japanese specialists, rescuers continued to pump out the maximum amount of water from the cave to facilitate their escape. Mirza, a member of the US National Cavern Recovery Commission, said the safest option would be to take refuge in the area and provide supplies to children until the level of Water drops or that a new entrance is found

  teaching boys to dive for a possible rescue. (EFE)

They start teaching scuba diving to boys for a possible rescue. (EFE)

July 6

The oxygen level drops to 15% and becomes the big concern. This forces a change of plan, because if you want to bring the children alive, it is necessary to make a rescue .

  Rescuers rush the operation before the level of oxygen drops inside the cave. (EFE)

Rescuers hurry before the announcement that the level of oxygen drops inside the cave. (EFE)

Rescuers in Thailand said that they were preparing plans to teach the youth football team to dive to get out of the cave. The children, whose rescuers have taken swimming lessons inside the cave, must leave one by one, accompanied each by two professional divers.

On the outside of the cave, which were evacuated, a huge medical deployment that includes a small field hospital and thirteen ambulances and helicopters, one for each prisoner.

July 7

  Three of the rescued boys were transferred by helicopter and the rest by ambulance. (EFE)

Three of the rescued boys were transferred by helicopter and the rest by ambulance. (EFE)

Four of the 12 boys trapped with their coach in Tham Luang Nang No Cave, Thailand, were rescued, according to the chief of the operation, Narongsak Ossatanakorn.

The other eight children and the football coach could be rescued after a break from 10 to 20 hours, for logistical reasons and for the preparation of the equipment, said the chief of the rescue operations at the time. a press conference given at 11 o'clock. Argentina

"The mission was more successful than expected," the spokesman said.

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