Misiones students won the 2019 Robotics Cup and will travel to the Dubai World Cup


A group of students from different Misiones high schools won the award Robotics Cup 2019, after three days of competition against the teams' robots representing the rest of the Argentine provinces at the Mary Terán stadium in Weiss, Buenos Aires.

Missionary boys they will travel in October to a world tournament in Dubai where they will present their robot named "Julito" in honor of a teacher facilitator who was part of the project who died two weeks before this competition in a car accident while traveling to a robotics competition in Chaco.

Teams in each province have designed and programmed their robots under the slogan that they should be able to complete cleaning tasks in polluted oceansThus, "Julito" is a mobile platform capable of detecting elements in its environment and with a lifting platform it is able to retrieve them and download them on different shelves.

The competition took place at Mary Terán stadium in Weiss, where a platform of about 16 square meters was "the ocean" in which the robots were arguing over which one could collect as many "pollutants" represented by bullets. orange-painted volleyball and golf, which must be placed on platforms of different heights.

Students test, catching volleyballs and golf balls. (Photo: Robotic cutting press).
Students test, catching volleyballs and golf balls. (Photo: Robotic cutting press).

With the stories of Osvaldo Príncipi and his detailed details on the movements of the robots, this contest has ranked the missionary team "Robotics First Global Challenge", the world cup specialty that will face young people from 200 countries from 24 to 27 October in the city of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The Misiones had the highest score among the 24 participating teams, one for each province.

The local authority was organized by the Ministry of Education and Innovation of the City of Buenos Aires and the Educabot Society.

"We are very happy with everything that has happened in the Cup In addition to defining the team that will represent Argentina at the World Cup, the goal of creating a space so that robotics specialists from all over the country can be in touch and meet .. I hope this competition has inspired many more kids to be interested in robotics, "Matías said. Scovotti, CEO and co-founder of Educabot.

In fact, the competition proposes to use programming and robotics tools to find solutions to global challenges such as ocean pollution, and builds skills such as creativity, collaboration and work. team.

This will be the third time that Argentina is participating in the Robotics World Cup, in the 2018 edition – being held in Mexico City – the national team played a remarkable role: she was at the 13th position of the competition and won the prize for safety.


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