Misleading contributors: Carrió sent on his slopes to attack Navarro


Several referents of the Civic Coalition (CC) one of the parties of Cambiemos, launched a campaign against the journalist Roberto Navarro in the wake of the scandal of truchos contributors of the alliance during the 2017 campaign, revealed exclusively in El Destape.

Roberto Navarro told from two sources in the area that the company Yellow Gas boasted of having contributed to the MP's campaign in 2017, but they did not Do not appear among the contributors. Yes, several public employees of Buenos Aires.


This Sunday, during a new edition of the web program of this media, it was revealed that the CC leader and one of the main figures of Cambiemos, Elisa Carrió, is also involved, since she financed her own campaign with money from the city of Buenos Aires through public employees, with the help of the head of government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta.

In this context, a message was copied and pasted several times in different accounts of the members of the CC, in which they accuse Navarro of lying. "LIE Roberto Navarro Neither the company Amarilla Gas nor related persons has contributed informally or formally to the campaign of Elisa Carrió", was the first publication that began to circulate

@robdnavarro MIENTE Neither the company Amarilla Gas nor related persons contributed informally or formally to the campaign of @ elisacarrio .
We want campaigns transparent and we work for that, but we do not tolerate the defamation that comes with the old operations of always.

– Juan Manuel López (@JnmLopez) July 30, 2018

Then, some of these stories have also published a second message: "We want transparent campaigns and we work for that, but we do not tolerate the defamation with which they come back, the old operations forever."

This denotes a operation against the journalistic director of El Destape, threatening to take money from him. Thus, he follows the line of conduct of other pro-government communicators, such as Luis Majul and Jorge Lanata, and officials such as Fabián Rodríguez Simón and Michetti, Álvaro Ziccarelli.


Up to now, six people have joined this campaign, almost every Sunday evening at the same time: the first was Juan Manuel López, CC national deputy; followed by Maximiliano Ferraro, legislator of the city for CC-ARI; Mariana Zuvic, right of Carrió and parliamentarian of Mercosur for Argentina for Cambiemos; Gregorio Hernández Maqueda, leader of the CC in Córdoba; Maricel Etchecoin, secretary general of CC ARI and deputy of Buenos Aires for Cambiemos; and, finally, the account of the CC-ARI in Palermo

The statements of @robdnavarro are liars and they slander us.
This is not journalism and they may be the crime of false accusation because they repeat old court operations against @ elisacarrio . – Mariana Zuvic (@MarianaZuvic) July 30, 2018

Etchecoin, in addition to the message copied and pasted, maintains: "The statements that they claim are liars and they slander us", in reference to the CC , and adds that the investigation, which has probative material, "is not journalistic and may be the crime of false accusation because they repeat old judicial proceedings against Elisa Carrió."


is a pseudo-journalism at the service of lies and may be a crime of false accusation because they repeat old judicial operations against @elisacarrio

– Maricel Etchecoin (@metchecoin) July 30, 2018


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