missed! The International Space Station will be observable at a glance


Nowadays, the International Space Station (ISS) is so close to Earth that it can be observed from different corners of the world, even by astronomers who do not have a telescope.

From Russia, the ISS will be visible between July 12 and 21, while residents of Spain and most of Latin America will be able to see it at different times between the July 13 and July 22.

  International Space Station

Then we leave you an approximate "schedule" if you do not want to miss the ISS pbad, which will look like a bright star and will move quickly across the sky.

  • Madrid: July 13 to 22
  • Mexico City: July 17 to 22
  • Buenos Aires: July 13 to 18
  • Santiago, Chile: July 13 to 17
  • Lima: 15, 16, 17, 19, 21 July
  • Bogotá: 17, 18, 19, 21, 22 July
  • Caracas: 17 to 22 July
  • Havana, Managu to: 17 to 22 July
  • Quito: 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22 July
  • La Paz: 14, 15, 16, 18 July

Consult the exact time of the pbadage of the ISS on this site or on any other site, you can access the site Heavens-above.com, change the location in the top right corner (if you click open a map) then, by returning to the main page, International Space Station in section & # 39 ; Satellite & # 39;

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