Missile rain and dead between India and Pakistan in Kashmir | Chronic


The border between Pakistan and India is extremely tense. The first announced the slaughter of two Indian warplanes and the capture of two pilots in their airspace, and the second claimed to have shot down a Pakistani aircraft and lost another in the struggle for the Kashmir region, challenged by two countries.

The escalation occurred after Pakistan confirmed that six civilians had been killed and several others wounded by mortar shells fired by India, on the other side of the border separating the Indian and Pakistani sectors of Kashmir.

The clashes took place a day after India launched a bombing in the Pakistani part of Kashmir against what it defined as a training camp for the Islamist group, which claimed responsibility of an attack that killed 42 soldiers on the Indian side.

"Pakistani Air Force Kill Two Indian Fighters in Pakistani Airspace", said on his official Twitter account the spokesman of the Pakistani army, the major-general Asif Ghafoor

The spokesman said that one of the planes had fallen into Kashmir under Pakistani control and the other in the Indian region of this Himalayan region, disputed by both countries since 1947 and for which there had been two wars and several minor conflicts.

At a press conference that followed, Ghafoor announced that two Indian pilots had been arrested, one of them wounded. He was therefore taken to a hospital, reported the news agency. EFE.

In addition, he noted that Indian fighters had violated Pakistan's airspace after Pakistan carried out bombings on Indian territory, an action that justified "because I did not have any other choice" after what happened yesterday.

"We selected six objectives, our pilots defined them, but we decided to shoot in an open space.We did not want to kill anyone or cause collateral damage", said at the press conference held in Rawalpindi, headquarters of the Pakistani army. Ghafoor pointed out that his country "does not want to climb" Not a conflict.

A few hours later, India announced the slaughter of a Pakistani fighter and the loss of another during a "air combat", in which an Indian pilot is missing after the bombing of Pakistan.

The spokesman of the Indian Chancery, Raveesh Kumar, At a press conference in New Delhi, he said that "A Pakistani air force fighter plane was shot down by a MiG 21 bison from the Indian air force.

"In this fight, we unfortunately lost a MiG 21. The pilot is missing", he added.


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