Missing naphtha, Misiones stations cut schedules and set quotas – 07/25/2018


Posadas (correspondent) .- The decline in the supply of fuels is increasingly noticeable in Misiones and the other provinces of the Northeast. Dockers believe that behind the shortage, oil companies are pushing for further increases after the three increases that occurred this month.

The shortage, mainly of gasoline, made some service stations Posadas, Monte Carlo and Puerto Iguazú reduced hours of service and, in other cases, set quotas ] to be able to meet all his customers

The oil companies deny a reduction of the supply and claim that the remarkable downstream which records the Paraná river prevents the arrival of barges with fuel in Puerto Vilelas, in the Chaco, from where they supply Misiones, Corrientes, Chaco and Formosa. This situation would have forced all transport from refineries through trucks.

  Lack of fuel in Misiones. (misionesonline.net)

Lack of fuel in Misiones. (misionesonline.net)

Different is the interpretation made by retailers. Faruk Jalaf, chairman of the Northeast Service and Related Industries Chamber (CESANE), argued that oil companies "speculate with fuel delivery and we believe that it is a maneuver to make us pay more "

The leader ruled out that oil companies are working at a loss. "In my opinion, they do not earn what they want, but they do not lose money either," he said bluntly.

Jalaf said that there would be no reason to increase the value of fuels in the country. six dollars on the international market. Despite this, he said, companies are asking for a 20% recomposition.

The latest increases have resulted in crossings between oil companies and retailers. The first claim that the owners of petrol stations placed orders on the usually to generate shares before the increases; and at the Ministry of Energy, they said that they would not allow speculation.

  Lack of fuel in Misiones. (misionesonline.net)

Lack of fuel in Misiones. (misionesonline.net)

Minister Javier Iguacel met with oil companies, who acknowledged the imposition of "quotas", especially in diesel because they thought they saw a speculative maneuvering of some service stations when they found that they needed more fuel.

"If they ask for more than they sell, they probably hoard them for future increases," accuse companies in front of Iguacel

"Prices will be put by the market, but if there are any advantages competitive in favor of us will see integrated oil companies versus non-integrated companies, "Iguacel told the paper makers. [19659002]" With the exception of YPF, the rest of the oil companies set up diesel quotas. That's 70% of the average sales of the previous quarter. Above this quota, we must pay 20% more, "denounced the papermakers before Iguacel

" We will not allow speculation on prices increases, "promised the minister. [ad_2]
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