Mobius says he's interested in Argentina and the reforms that Macri could introduce in a second term


Former Franklin Templeton investor and experienced investor in emerging markets, Mark MobiusHe said in a TV interview that looks closely at Argentina as it provides improvements for the country's market well in case Mauricio Macri to be reelected.

Mobius, which created Mobius Capital Partners LLP last year after 30 years at Franklin Templeton Investments, said that Latin America catches your eye as Brazil and Argentina engage in reforms substantial economic.

"In regards to Argentina, we follow him closely"Mobius said in an interview with Bloomberg TV."If Macri manages to introduce the reforms he wants to introduce, the country could very well. And we see that changes in the reform in Brazil are beginning to penetrate Argentina, because they are paying attention. "

For Mobius, it is interesting to see that Brazil is making significant progress in reforming its public pension system. In addition, he added: Macri could introduce more reforms if he wins another term in the October elections.

For the media operator, in addition, the trade war between the United States and China is a "revolutionary change" For the global economy. The trade dispute creates opportunities for emerging markets such as Vietnam, Bangladesh, Turkey and Egypt, as companies look for more competitive alternative production centers, he said.


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