Moderna founder assured coronavirus “accidentally came out of a Wuhan laboratory”


Canadian biologist Derrick Rossi, founder of biotechnology company Moderna, fully immersed himself in the debate on the origin of the coronavirus that generated the current Covid-19 pandemic and said he was convinced he was coming out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology BSL-4 laboratory.

The scientist, who received the Princess of Asturias Prize for “exploiting his discovery on the ability to transform and reprogram pluripotent stem cells using RNA-based technologies,” he told the Spanish newspaper. Trade who does not believe in a natural origin of SARS-CoV-2. “This virus is so different from bats that it seems unlikely to me that this is a natural jump. It’s a fact that a Wuhan lab worked with him and me I’m sure he got out of there, that he escaped them. I don’t think it was on purpose, they were just studying it and there was an accident. China denies it, of course, but this is the explanation I consider the most logical, ”he said.

Rossi also felt that this pandemic “has been something exceptional”, although he warned that “there is no doubt that there will be more pathogens that will jump on humans and cause diseases. I hope that we are better prepared for them ”.

Rossi, what an irony has been vaccinated with serum from the Pfizer laboratory, said that “all vaccines are safe, and have been shown to help stop the pandemic.” He also said that due to the mutations in the viruses and the appearance of new variants “it may happen that the virus changes or becomes endemic, like the flu, and we have to vaccinate every one or two years” with booster doses.

Regarding viruses, he said they are “the most perfect evolutionary unit there is. They know how to adapt to any inconvenience and it may be able to adapt to the vaccine ”. However, the scientist celebrated that “the good thing about messenger RNA technology (used by Moderna’s and Pfizer’s vaccines) is that, quickly, we can adapt to it as well, so I’m optimistic.” did he declare.

“What cost us the most is build infrastructure to produce and distribute the vaccine, but that is being resolved and each time we have a greater capacity to reach the whole world, ”he said.

The origin of the pandemic

The American President, Joe biden, last month ordered intelligence agencies to investigate the origin of the pandemic, including the theory of a laboratory leak.

The leak hypothesis had already been raised during the global epidemic, including by then-President Donald Trump, but it was widely dismissed as a conspiracy theory.

The BSL-4 laboratory of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. (Photo: AFP / Hector Rétamal).

However, it has recently gained some ground, fueled by reports that three researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology fell ill in 2019 after visiting a bat cave in Yunnan province (southwest China).

Some believe that SARS.-CoV-2 could be linked to an investigation into Gain of a function, which consists of modifying pathogens to make them more transmissible, more deadly, or better able to escape treatments and vaccines, all to learn how to fight them better.


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