Moderna vaccine is more effective than Pfizer’s vaccine against Delta variant in two studies


Two studies, which are still awaiting peer review, ensure that the vaccine Modern is more efficient than that developed by Pfizer before the Delta variant. The documents explained that in order to maintain a high level of antibodies against the coronavirus, might be necessary the application of a third dose, between six and 12 months after completing the primary regimen – of two inoculations -, and stressed that the one indicated for this strategy should be Modern.

The first of these studies recruited more than 50,000 patients, between January and July 2021, who were treated at the Mayo Clinic Health System. According to scientists, at a time when the Delta variant was already predominant, efficiency vaccine Modern against infection (prevention of disease acquisition) had fallen to 76% after showing an effectiveness of 86%, while the development of Pfizer / BioNTech it had fallen to 42%, compared to 76% previously.

In any case, scientists have pointed out that, Once the schedules are completed, the two vaccines remain effective in preventing hospitalizations related to Covid-19. While Moderna showed 81% efficiency (after reaching 91.6%), Pfizer showed 75% (before it climbed to 85%).

As they explained, these figures were obtained in full swing from the variant discovered in India, becoming responsible for 70% of the cases recorded in several North American states. “Our observational study shows that, While the two Covid-19 mRNA vaccines provide strong protection against serious disease and infection, further evaluation of their effectiveness is warranted, such as dosing regimens and vaccine composition, ”stressed the researchers who were led by the Dr Venky Soundararajan.

Meanwhile, the second of the studies focused on the immune response to variants of concern in the residents in retirement homes.

Developed in Ontario, Canada, the analysis ensured: “Residents who received mRNA-1273 (Modern) present stronger total and neutralizing antibody responses than those who received BNT162b2 (Pfizer / BioNTech) “.

“The elderly may need higher doses of vaccines, boosters or / and other preventive measures,” said Anne-Claude Gingras, team leader at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute in Toronto who conducted the ‘study.

It should be remembered that in a study carried out in Israel, the need for a booster was clearly established for those who received the second dose of Pfizer / BioNTech approximately five months ago. In this analysis, the researchers evaluated about 34,000 adults with complete immunization schedules, with 1.8% positive tests.

They even pointed out that the risk of contagion increased when the second dose was applied at least 146 days before. In addition, among those over 60 with this time ended, this number has increased by almost three times.

“Very few patients required hospitalization and it is too early to assess the severity of these new infections in terms of hospitalization, need for artificial respiration or mortality,” said Eugène Merzon, co-author of the document and member of Leumit Santé. Services, in Israel.


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