Modi promises an inclusive India | The first ministry …


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was re-elected after winning a big victory in the general election. According to the latest data from the Electoral Commission, the ruling party, the Bharatiya Janata (BJP), won 169 seats in the lower house, out of a total of 543. It also ran in 134 other constituencies. The main opposition party, El Congreso, won 31 seats and was considered the winner of 21 others.

"Together we will build a strong and inclusive India – India wins again!" Tweeted Modi, 68, when the partial recount revealed the end result. Elections in the Republic of India ran from April 11 to May 19 and were reviewed yesterday during the day.

Late in the afternoon, the re-elected Prime Minister addressed his supporters from the headquarters of the Hindu Nationalist BJP in New Delhi. For Modi, the election reflected the victory of democracy. "No individual or party fought in the elections, but it was the Indian citizens who fought," said the leader in his first public address of the day.

Described as a "monk in mission", the head of government promises the advent of a "new India", nationalist, endowed with a modern and digital economy, which according to him will be part of the great powers world.

The president, who had already voted for the elections in a series of posts on his Twitter account, was received at the headquarters of the training by BJP president, Amit Shah, who could be in charge of a key portfolio in the new cabinet of ministers.

After jubilating in front of the crowd that kissed him, Modi took the stage and celebrated that he had never put aside his beliefs at any time. Neither at the time of reelection, he said. "It's not a win for Modi, but a win for Indian women who demanded honesty, it's a win for self-respecting women who did not even have access to it." to a bath, "he said referring to one of his main government flags. this goal is to solve a crucial problem in India: the lack of bathrooms. The construction of sanitary systems was the main concern of Modi during his previous campaign in which he had promised to build 100 million toilets. According to a 2017 UNICEF report, nearly half of the Indians defecated outside at that time.

Hindu nationalist activists celebrated the victory by throwing firecrackers and dancing to the rhythm of the drums. "Modi will restore the greatness of India," said Santosh Joshi, a BJP supporter, citing US President Donald Trump's slogan, "Giving America a New Dimension."

At the same time, Rahul Gandhi, chairman of the main opposition party, defeated him at a press conference a few hours before the prime minister 's appearance. "I had said during the election campaign that people are the real leaders and that now they have ordered and decided in favor of the BJP.I congratulate Modi and the BJP," said the opposition leader who did not answer many of the questions from reporters at the conference. Instead, Gandhi insisted that the important thing about yesterday's trip was the decision of his people. "The Indian people decided that Modi would be prime minister and I totally respect him as an Indian," he said about his opponent's victory. The trend that gave power to the ruling party was already going on since last weekend, when most polls already gave more than 280 seats to the BJP and its allies.


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