Mom Desperately Needs Baby Who Was Mistakenly Vaccinated Against Covid-19 | the Chronicle


A six month old baby was vaccinated, by mistake, against the coronavirus in a health center in the municipality of Villarrica, 700 kilometers south of Santiago de Chile.

Mother, Marjorie Peñacontó, He recounted what happened last Monday, when he went to Cesfam Los Volcanes for his daughter to receive the vaccine quintuple, according to what is indicated in the compulsory vaccination schedule for children.

The woman said the official who vaccinated her daughter realized the mistake immediately. Instead of applying Pentavalent (against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, invasive diseases caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and hepatitis B), injected him with the Covid-19 vaccine.

“The lady took the vaccine from a cooler and injected the syringe and punctured my daughter in the thighI think she realized it immediately because she left the room, 5 minutes passed and she came back. The He explained that he had vaccinated her against the coronavirus and that he had made a mistake“, said the miner’s mother.

Peñacontó added that his daughter cried a lot and claimed to be worried about the consequences, not so much now but in a few more years.

From the municipality, they announced that they will open a health summary.


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