"Mom Leona": stabbed the three men who raped their daughter – 24/04/2019


A South African woman who stabbed a man and seriously injured two others when she was caught raping her daughter saw how the rapists were sent to jail. The 57-year-old woman Nokumbonga, who was nicknamed "mom leona" Because of the way she defended her daughter, she said she was "delighted" when a judge jailed the abusers for 30 years, according to the Daily Mail.

In September 2017, while she was preparing dinner at her home near Zwartwater in East Province, Nokumbonga Qampi, the woman received a call from a friend of her daughter who told her than Siphokazi, 27 years oldI was raped by three men that everyone knew. .

Siphokazi, the daughter and Nokubonga, the mother.

Siphokazi, the daughter and Nokubonga, the mother.

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She went to the local police station, but they did not help her. So she she grabbed a kitchen knife and went to save her daughter. He ran more than two kilometers and when he approached the place where they had seen the girl, he heard desperate cries coming from inside. The mother burst into the scene and saw three naked men raping their daughter in turn.

What happened next was a frenzied attack, Nokumbonga stabbed the three men, killed one of them, Zamile Siyeka, and seriously wounded his two accomplices, Zolisa Siyeka and Mncedisi Vunba.

The woman was dubbed "mama leona" for rescuing her daughter and killing one of her rapists, but the two wounded men were outraged in South Africa when she was accused of homicide and homicide. attempted murder.

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An aid fund raised more than $ 13,000 for his defense and a lawyer offered his services for free, but three weeks later the National Processing Authority withdrew the charges against the mother.

Siyeka and Vuba have now been convicted of raping the young woman by the Mtatha High Court and both sentenced to 30 years in prison.

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"I'm happy about the trial and relieved, all I wanted to do was protect my daughter.When I answered her friend's call, I did not want to believe that I'm I was raped and I hoped it was a mistake. "


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