Mom there is only one … but only sometimes | He was born in …


The mother of the baby conceived with the DNA of three different parents, born Tuesday in Greece, celebrated an "important scientific breakthrough" that offers "the greatest opportunity of my life" after "four unsuccessful attempts" of in vitro fertilization .

"This type of procedure is exceptional for treating mitochondrial diseases," said Dr. Fernando Neuspiller, director of IVI Buenos Aires.

32-year-old Greek girl Matina Karavokyri, who gave birth to a 2,960 kg baby in a clinic in the suburbs of Athens, explained that, according to this method of badisted procreation, "all my genetic material" was introduced into a donor egg. , emptying their own genetic material. "It's like they've put my egg in a stroller so I can get to the uterus," he said in an interview with the agency. Greek press ANA.

"What is done is to remove the nucleus from the donor's egg and put the nucleus of an egg of the woman who wants to procreate.This so-armed egg is fertilized with a father's sperm and the 39; embryo obtained is implanted in the uterus, "explained Neuspiller. "Imagine that an egg looks like a football and contains 10 or 20 yellow cylinders like those of Kinder.These cylinders are the mitochondria 99.999% of the DNA is in the nucleus of the brain. and only 0.0027 in the mitochondria, but some people have problems with this tiny DNA pbaded down to their descendants, and by placing the nucleus in a cytoplasm without these modifications, we get a healthy egg. "

The medical team transferred the genetic material containing the mother's chromosomes to the donor's egg, "emptying" its original genetic material. Once this transfer was made to the "carrier" egg, it was fertilized in vitro with the father's sperm and the implanted embryo in the mother's womb. "It's nothing like a third, it's our hundred percent son," the woman said.

"Yes, the nucleus DNA is one hundred percent of the couple.If we do not take into account the mitochondrial DNA, the woman is right.The excellent advantage in this regard is that in some women with deficient eggs, improved reproductive performance can be improved, but not in all cases, it is particularly indicated in children under 35 years of age, because from this age the quality of the eggs deteriorates. It is therefore not logical to implant a nucleus of excellent quality.In older women, the other techniques are better, "said fertilizer specialist.

This technique, called maternal spindle transfer (MST), already allowed, in April 2016, that a Mexican suffering from Leigh syndrome, a rare hereditary metabolic problem, could be the mother of a new one. son without this genetic defect. As the Mexican clinic did not follow the necessary protocols, it is the Greek baby who is considered the first case.

Neuspiller said: "Last week, during the eighth edition of the IVI Congress, Gloria Calderón and Nuno Costa Borges were rewarded for this feat.This Greek baby is part of a prospective study covering more than 25 cases, to see how this technique works in the long term.There are already more than nine embryos obtained from modified eggs.Some are already implanted, with ongoing pregnancies. "

"Today, for the first time in the world, the inalienable right of a woman to become a mother with her own genetic material has become a reality," said Dr. Psathas, president of the Greek Center Institute, on Thursday. of Live. IVF).

Dr. Costa Borges praised "this exceptional result that will enable countless women to realize their dreams of becoming mothers with their own genetic material," according to her statement.


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