Momo on WhatsApp is it really dangerous? ELESPECTADOR.COM


Youtubers and bloggers claim that if a person writes to the phone number of "Momo", he can send threats and violent images. We speak with a cybersecurity expert on the subject.

The image of this character is really chilling: his eyes are about to leave the ponds, this penetrating look that generates the sensation of being observed, and his calaveric face, is able to bristle the skin of the most sensitive. This is the profile picture that shows the world the count in WahatsApp of & c. Momo a number of which say that if a person writing he risks becoming one of his victims

The publications made by youtubers bloggers and others on the internet, claim that by sending a message to "Momo", whose phone number refers to a Japanese number, is able to respond in any language and send violent images, threats and even demonstrate that he has access to the personal information of his victims.

How dangerous can this be?

First of all, it must be said that the image, become famous on the Internet, is actually a sculpture, or at least the least is what you see in photos like the one published in the profile of Instagram of "barbirena", so that most likely, if the existence of "Momo" becomes real, it is a person who used the photography of this sculpture to create his terrifying identity

That said, the question remains whether a person is able to hack another phone and to have the same. access their personal information by having only the victim's phone number. To answer this question El Espectador has maintained with Camilo Gutiérrez, responsible in Latin America research laboratory of a cybersecurity company positioned: ESET

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] For the professional as well as for hacking the cellphone with this simple fact is something unlikely, however, it ensures that access personal information with just a phone number is something that in theory anybody could do.

Just put this number on the search engines of social networks like Facebook and Instagram to know the name of the individual, where he lives, s & # 39, he has family, where he works … etc, everything depends on whether the person has his account as an audience and the information that he shares through him.

The above is an explanation of how it could work "mo mo" by terrorizing their victims by describing personal information.

"These are techniques of what we call social engineering, where it is to deceive the user, in this case, taking advantage of the curiosity of what happens if You are writing to this number.While doing so, the personal information is provided and depend on what the individual has badociated with this number.It is obvious that the owner of the account of 'Momo' could get some information about users, "says Gutiérrez.

The professional says the apparent game of writing to "Momo" could become dangerous if he had extortion intentions with his victims, through techniques such as phishing, could get to know the numbers and pbadwords of bank accounts, and even, asking the people to click on a link, install malicious software to collect information stored on the mobile phone; so, if it's true or just a myth, it's wiser to abstain.

What if I am a victim of "Momo"?

If you eventually become a victim of this alleged character, or someone else who uses the same technique, Gutiérrez recommends to block the contact on WhatsApp to cut off communication by this means. In addition, it suggests to install an antivirus on the device to detect the presence of any threat and, if possible, not to have profiles on public social networks or, at least, take care and be at current information shared there.

WhatsApp Launches Update to Fight against Fakenews

The fight against false news is another problem that arises in this platform, so recently a new bet to fight was unveiled. This is a message that will accompany texts or images sent in a string: "forwarded". (retransmitted), which will notify the user if it is an information sent in bulk, something typical of the fakenews.

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