Money, power and death impacting the United States


The American investor Jeffrey Epstein died hanged in New York prison, where he had been arrested waiting to be tried for conspiracy to abuse and badual exploitation of minors, in a episode that will be the subject of an investigation by the US Attorney's Office and the FBI, Although this seems to be a suicide.

Epstein, a 66-year-old millionaire who, throughout his career, became friends with politicians and personalities around the world, including US President Donald Trump, was found hanged in his Metropolitan Correctional cell. Center, they reported. The New York Times and other American newspapers.

The New York Medical Examiner's Office confirmed the death of Epstein, without however determining the causes, adding that an investigation had been opened. In this regard, the United States Attorney General, William Barr, announced the opening of an investigation into the death of the controversial financier.

The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) announced that it would conduct a special investigation into the event.

"I am horrified to learn that Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in apparent suicide. His death opens serious questions that must be answered. At the same time as the FBI investigation, I asked the Inspector General to open his own investigation of the event, Barr said in a statement.

An investigator said the Attorney General was "furious" at the fact that Epstein was capable of committing suicide.


The event sparked a wave of doubt as to how a predictable event occurred in a prison housing detainees such as drug dealer Joaquín "el Chapo" Guzmán or police officers. Al Qaeda. "We need answers, a lot," New York Congressman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wrote on her Twitter account.

At a recent hearing, Epstein's lawyers warned the judge that his client had received threats and feared for his safety. The magistrate refused bail until the trial scheduled for mid-next year. According to him, Epstein was a danger to the community, in addition to the high risk of fleeing his fortune. Lisa Bloom, a lawyer representing several victims of the billionaire, said on social networks that her clients "do not want to commit suicide" for anyone, "not even a repeated predator who has deceived and wounded so many women".

Yesterday, around 6:30 am, the emergency services in New York received a call to the prison about a possible case of heart failure.

In July, Epstein was found unconscious in his Manhattan cell with marks on his neck. The authorities were trying to determine if there was already a suicide attempt. Since then, I was under surveillance.

According to the South Manhattan District Attorney's Office, the millionaire would have created a network to abuse dozens of girls in his New York mansion, as well as in another in Florida, more than a decade ago.

The tycoon, arrested on July 6 and whose trial was scheduled for next year, had already faced similar charges in Florida.


However, in 2008 he concluded an informal agreement with the state prosecutor's office of that southern state for the closure of the investigation, case for which he could have faced a life sentence.

The victims were aware of these negotiations only about a year after the signing of the agreement.

The Florida attorney, Alexander Acosta, was later appointed Secretary of Labor by President Donald Trump, but had to resign from office in the midst of the scandal that caused the deal with Epstein.

The death comes after a Manhattan appeals judge had ordered the publication of hundreds of documents on Epstein, which belonged to a parallel case closed against a woman who had acted in court. as a "recruiter".

The woman was identified as Ghislaine Maxwell, of British high society and close to Epstein. An alleged mogul victim, Virginia Giuffre, filed a lawsuit in 2015 for having defamed her by claiming that her accusations that the businessman had badually tampered with her. lies were false. his participation as "madam".

Friendship with Trump and private jet tours Lolita Express

The New York Attorney's Office estimates Jeffrey Epstein's fortune at $ 500 million and his annual turnover at $ 10 million. Son of middle and upper clbad workers at Coney Island, in the Brooklyn state of the 1960s, the financier entered New York University to study mathematics, but did not go to school. never graduated.

Skillful in numbers, he's devoted himself to teaching young people from the affluent neighborhood of the Upper East Side. At that time, one of the parents contacted him with Ace Greenberg, executive director of an investment bank on Wall Street. It is so that Epstein entered the world of investment in the seventies and stayed there ever since.

After going through the investment bank Bear Stearns, he became independent and created his own fund, called Financial Trust. The only requirement was that those wishing to receive their services have badets in excess of one billion badets. It is estimated that Epstein managed to manage 15 billion badets.

The businessman came to rub shoulders with the American elite, from Bill Clinton to Donald Trump. He was also a friend of Prince Andrew of England.

According to various media reports, Epstein would have moved into his private jet called "Lolita Express" by the press for the number of girls and teens he had transported from one state to another between 1997 and 2007 and to whom he had promised to finance the university or promote their careers. in the world of fashion

When the investigation was revealed, several personalities of politics and finance close to him moved away. Trump, who in 2002 dubbed him "a great man," said he was not "an admirer" of Epstein.

Sow your DNA: secret science project

Epstein had a plan to fertilize women.

Fascinated by transhumanism, the science of population enhancement through genetic modification and artificial intelligence, Jeffrey Epstein had, according to sources close to him, the plan to impregnate women with their DNA. The New York Times revealed that the investor wanted his DNA to become the seed of the human race of pregnant women on his ranch in New Mexico. However, nothing indicates that he has taken concrete steps in this regard.

Printed edition

The original text of this article was published on 08/11/2019 in our print edition.


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