Mónica Gonzaga’s son expelled from Uruguay for organizing an underground party of more than 500 people


The Uruguayan government decided on Monday expel from the country to Adriano Sessa (22 years old) and to the Argentinian son of actress Monica Gonzaga, accused of having organized a clandestine party for more than 500 people in his private home and of breaking the rules which ban crowds to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

The Ministry of the Interior of this country took the decision for reasons of “ public order and health inasmuch as (the Argentine citizen) broken rules which expressly prohibit crowds because of the health emergency ”declared by the government of Luis Lacalle Pou.

Official sources previously told the local newspaper The country that the behavior of the party organizer “distorts the residence benefit granted by national authorities “for failure to comply with the rule prohibiting crowds due to their risk to health.

The same newspaper reported that Minister Jorge Larrañaga, who is following the issue closely, considered this sanction to be a exemplary measure. Your residence will be removed and it is possible that entry is prohibited for the country.

The party, which was dissolved by the police, took place during Saturday morning in the Argentinian private house in the town of Sauce de Portezuelo, 15 kilometers from the exclusive resort of Punta del Este, in the department of Maldonado.

Those who attended the party said that inside the place social distancing was not respected and there are those who say that the event was not a simple birthday party, but that a dollar entry, there was a Dj playing and even one was found drink bar.

After the viralization of the case, Gonzaga came out to defend his son on his Instagram account. In detail, the former star shared an image of Adriano sleeping on a bed next to a dog and next to him he wrote: “My student son, that’s how I found him (instead of a party) “.

The photo with which Mónica Gonzaga wanted to protect her son, on Instagram.

The photo with which Mónica Gonzaga wanted to protect her son, on Instagram.

Gonzaga later vindicated his son and said the party got out of hand when the venue went viral: “Strangers appeared and when I heard the noise and looked I told the boys Call the police and so they all left, ”he began by saying.

And he completed: “Would be 100 people but today it is an uncontrollable pandemic and I cut my losses Because I was a person at risk I did not go out but the police arrived immediately and finished everything“.

Uruguay has seen strong growth in cases since November and last month broke records of daily infections, admitted to intensive care units and people suffering from the disease.

Monica Gonzaga's defense of her son on Instagram.

Monica Gonzaga’s defense of her son on Instagram.

With 3.4 million inhabitants, the country records 81,537 infections and 792 deaths due to Covid-19.

The Ministry of Public Health reported on Monday the discovery of the Brazilian strain P.1 in seven departments of the country, which according to preliminary studies is more contagious.

Faced with this new scenario, the president Lacalle Pou called a cabinet meeting on Tuesday, after which he is expected to announce new measures to reduce infections.

With information from Telam.



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