Monner Sans joined the officialist approach and denounced Alberto Fernández


He seeks to know if he has threatened federal judges by warning them that one day they should be held accountable for their actions.

May 22, 2019

The phrase "a glbad of water and a report from Monner without being denied to anyone" It's back to reality this afternoon when the lawyer and head of the Civil Anti-Corruption Association denounces the candidate for the presidential election Alberto Fernández for "threats" after warning that judges must be held accountable for their actions.

In the complaint of Ricardo Monner Sanswho fell on the ground of Ariel Lijo, it was asked "to consider whether Alberto Fernández's warning statements regarding active federal judges constituted or not the offense referred to in Article 149a of the Criminal Code". . "

To integrate

This article is about grief "threat to alarm or intimidate one or more persons "and" threats in order to compel another person to do, not to do or tolerate something against his will ".

The denunciation was formulated on the basis of the presidential presidential statements on the Internet channel, where he stated that "One day, Ercolini, Bonadio, Irurzun, Hornos and Gemignani will have to explain the barbasadas that they wrote to comply with the power of the day."

READ MORE: Public Works: Zuvic ensures that they will denounce Alberto Fernández


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