Monsanto ordered the return of soybean royalties in Brazil


Monsanto has developed an insect-resistant soybean that is being challenged by Mato Grosso producers in Brazil

The Monsanto multinational, owned by the German group Bayer, suffered a setback in Brazil to collect royalties on its Intacta soy, insect resistant.

After a proposal for a patent cancellation formulated by the Association of Soy Producers (Aprosoja) of Mato Grosso, the Federal Justice of that country forced the company to return the royalties that 39 she received from the company would have billed in the last agricultural campaign, 2017/2018, about 200 million dollars only in Mato Grosso.

Last November, Aprosoja applied for the invalidity of the patent PI 0016460-7 on the ground that it did not fulfill the conditions set out in the Brazilian Industrial Property Law.

Aprosoja reported on his website that the magician Cesar Augusto Bearsi ordered that the company make a deposit until the end of the process for the fees paid by the producers.

For Antonio Galvan, president of Aprosoja, the judicial measure represents "a point of balance" in the fight with the

According to Aprosoja, Monsanto allegedly violated the legislation on several points. "Monsanto has not reported or technically demonstrated what gene constructs were originally designed and tested, there is no demonstration of their technical effects," the entity said.

For the organization, there was also "lack of transparency and descriptive insufficiency the patent must meet legal and technical requirements that allow, at the end of its validity, the complete reproduction of the

The entity also noted that there was "an illegal addition of material to the patent filed". in this note

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