“Monstruo de Tenerife”: the new lead that would give a twist to the affair that shocked the world | the Chronicle


The sisters Olivier, 6 years old and Anne, on 1, they were kidnapped by their father Thomas Antonio Gimeno on April 27 at Tenerife, Spain. Since then, local authorities have been looking for them and the body of one of the girls was found in the sea more than a week ago.

Olivier was found on June 11 at more than 1,000 meters deep inside a bag attached to the anchor of the ship that belonged to the Monster from Tenerife. So far, the location of Gimeno, 37 years old, and the little one Anne.

In the last few hours, a new hypothesis has emerged that could tip the investigation. The The police station who is in charge of the search believes the 37-year-old threw his phone into the sea and continued to navigate, so they decided to change the search box.

The rescue team uses a marine robot to find the body of Anne and that of his father. The search was guided by the cell phone’s geolocation signals from Gimeno, Spanish media reported.

The boat ngeles Alvariño he changed direction and went further south and at the same time carried out sweeping works 9.5 kilometers from the coast.

According to the investigation, the two girls were thrown into the sea in bags attached to an anchor. However, when they found the body of Olivier next to his was an empty bag and we think he could have been there Anne.

The older sister died of acute pulmonary edema, an autopsy determined. The last time you saw Gimeno It is through the security cameras of the marina of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. There, we observe that he got on his boat with several bags.


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