Monzó and Lousteau, special guests of the Macri tour in Asia


Source: archive

NEW DELHI.- One side and the other could face him in PASO to represent radicalism. Among the delegation accompanying the President

Mauricio Macri

There are two names that surprise:

Emilio Monzó


Martín Lousteau


The president of the Chamber of Deputies had already warned that there was no turning back: he would not re-elect himself as legislator and, according to his relatives, expected that He leaves Parliament as soon as possible. Monzó wants Macri to appoint him as ambbadador to Spain, which official sources say is a fact.

The good personal relationship remains despite political differences, each day greater. "Everything is very tense," acknowledged a witness of this friendship. The trip, precisely, will serve to reduce nervousness and close a cycle.

Member of the political table, Monzó has always sought the opening of macrismo, mainly with Peronism, an idea that has always struck the will of the powerful chief of staff, Marcos Peña, and the Ecuadorian consultant Jaime Duran Barba. His partner in this battle was the Minister of the Interior, Rogelio Frigerio, who was also moving away from the decision-making process and could follow the path of Monzó next year. he is Macri's candidate for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

"Macri and Monzó are like a marriage that ends well," said an important Cambiemos leader.

The case of Lousteau is even more complex. Can the national deputy, an ambbadador of Macrismo in Washington, become a headache for Macri if he decides to accept the offer that places him in the trap of radical civic union, which wants to face to the president among the detainees.

But his options do not stop there: he could also face Horacio Rodríguez Larreta in town – what the mayor of Buenos Aires wants by close since he wants to fight again at the OSP – or even become a national senator of the capital to change. Everything is open and Lousteau does not intend to rush the definition.

The former Minister of Economy, who delivered the book with his "diagnosis" on the economy and his advice on the way forward this week before taking the plane to the capital Indian, has good relations with the president.

He was one of the economists who went through the presidential office in recent months. "Although they think differently, they like it personally," they badured the official delegation. An opinion that is not generalized in macrismo, where they see Lousteau as an unpredictable person and that generates mistrust.

"We are going to shit, as always," said a very important source from the Buenos Aires government.

For the moment, Lousteau was clear about his diagnosis concerning the governments of Cristina Kirchner and Mauricio Macri, main opponents of the new fight. "None of the two, having been presidents, can show a resounding success, the crack is the biggest public work they've built," he said in an election key.


  • Emilio Monzó
  • The president of the Chamber of Deputies, key element of the ruling party in Congress to close the agreements, has already warned that he would not stand for re-election. Monzó, left on the sidelines of political decision-making, had already told Macri to occupy, as soon as possible, the Madrid Embbady.
  • Martín Lousteau
  • The national MP, who has a respectful relationship with Macri, has many options open. I could face Macri or Rodríguez Larreta in the PASSES, but at the same time, I could lead the Senate poll for Cambio.


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