Morales called to deal with draft law on collecting foreigners for health care in Jujuy – Telam


Jujuy governor Gerardo Morales convened a special session of the Provincial Legislature to consider the bill on the collection of foreigners for health services provided in the province.

The president returned the formal request to the local parliament after criticizing Bolivian President Evo Morales for the "unequal treatment" that a citizen of Jujuy received in that country while he was a victim of violence. Accident and that he was supposed to pay several thousand dollars. dollars for medical care received.

The announcement was made in the government's clean room, as part of a press conference at which provincial authorities ratified "transformations" of Jujuy's health system.

"We will continue to work on the issue of reciprocity from this last case, we have the draft law ready to be approved," said the governor about legislation to advance the collection of foreigners requiring medical badistance. in hospitals in that jurisdiction.


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