More and more women are rebuilding the hymen in Istanbul – 01/04/2019


The magic of the East operates in Istanbul. In the same city where so many bald people come back with their hair, many girls are more discreetly finding something much more delicate: their virginity. Often, in the same hospitals, the hymenoplasty is offered as if it 's been a specialty more than "health tourism".

Although, in an ideal world, there is no reason to be, the reconstruction of the hymen is the means by which many young people, especially Muslim, Hindu and gypsythey manage to deceive the tyranny of honor.

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In 20 years, Dr. Seker has made "about 150 girls" the illusion of virginity. More than them, their future husbands. In Turkey, it has been practiced for decades and advertised on the Internet. But everything changes. "Now, 60 or 70% of my patients belong to a religious family, with a handkerchief or their fiance is religious ". Women between two worlds.

Although the doctor estimates that fewer and fewer Turks are resorting to hymenoplasty, healthy tourists, who pay "thousand euros", offset this decline. This is a minor operation – half an hour – under local or general anesthesia. The patient goes home "in a few hours" and undergoes an examination after a few days, "between three and seven".

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Apparently, there are those who are not content to be virgins twice. "About ten times, the patient has returned for a second hymenoplasty, but not for a third, although this is perfectly feasible." The common request is "to bleed like the first time, and I guarantee it, if it is fast and brutal".

In the big Turkish cities the hospitals that practice this intervention are counted by tens, and professionals, by the hundreds. They offer discretion when not the secret. "The names are noted, but not the real reason for the visit."

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We can badume that Dr. Seker does not want to see him again. But it is not like that. "Many come back later with her husband when they get pregnant." Something that does not bother them because he is not considered an accomplice to any deception, although he is not a vigilante. "I'm just doing my job." Although in his hospital, as in others, "some specialists refuse to practice this intervention for religious reasons".

Sometimes the health tourism label can be frivolous and inadequate. Zeynep – changed name – has managed more than one hundred hymenoplasties for foreigners through his agency. "We had a lot of cases because of the war in Syria, about 50 in 2016 and about 25 in 2017. 60% attributed the loss of virginity to rape, they did not say where they were were coming, but I remember a girl who blamed the men of her refugee camp not once, but several times, otherwise the doctor said that the girl was not in a condition to undergo a psychological operation. "

Among Zeynep's clients, there are "many Western European Muslims who come alone or with a friend". Young people from Saudi Arabia also come "with their fiance, because their relationship before marriage is punished with lashes." As well as "Iraq, Libya, Oman, Emirates …". Although this operation is practiced in one of these places – and more and more in Europe – one looks for "a hospital as discreet as possible, where it will never be necessary to return".

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Other clients "are the gypsies of Bulgaria, who always choose the most expensive surgeon, some come with the groom, and two with their mother," says Zeynep.

An NGO working in Turkey with migrants recognizes the use of hymenoplasty by women of very different profiles: "Iranian girls of rich family who study or work in the West before getting married in Iran ". Most specialists in hymenoplasty are actually plastic surgeons. Therefore, if old tyrannies break down, they can still begin to live with a new aesthetic, such as labiaplasty.


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