More deadly than the Covid! Alert on an impending pandemic similar to the Black Death | the Chronicle


While the coronavirus in the world does not give a truce, the British journalist expert in the environment, Jean Vidal, warned of a future pandemic worse than what humanity is going through today and similar to the black plague who killed one in three people in Europe in the Middle Ages.

Vidal, who has twice won the award for British environmental journalist of the year, assures according to his research and interviews with experts that in the future, mankind may face disease mutations like measles or Ebola.

Delia Grace Randolph, a Nigerian expert in human and animal health, was one of the professionals consulted by the communicator. The specialist said “I think we’ll have a wave of new zoonotic diseases emerging, a mix of old and new.”

Destruction of animal habitat, caused by changes in agriculture and food production, are the reasons that could trigger a new pandemic.

According to the expert, in the event of a new pandemic, better prevention measures should be taken.

This claim is based on the fact that a study by University College London (UCL) claims that 335 new life-threatening diseasess have emerged in the world since 1945, at least 200 have been developed by viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi and prions.

“Humanity has changed its relationship with wild and farm animals, destroying their habitats and cluttering them up, and the process is only accelerating. If we don’t appreciate the gravity of the situation, this current pandemic may be just a precursor to something much more serious. “, assured Vidal.

In addition, he believes that “The nightmarish scenario that governments must deal with the emergence of a new disease, or a new strain of an older one, which is as contagious as, say, measles, and as deadly as Ebola “.

“Then humanity could face a much worse pandemic than that of covid-19, perhaps on the scale of the Black Death, which killed one in three people in Europe in the Middle Ages, ”he condemned.


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