More expensive documents: the processing of the DNI increases by 200% and the passport by 58% – 28/07/2018


Starting on Wednesday, August 1st, the renewal value of the national identity document will be $ 300 and the pbadport will cost $ 1,500, as reported by the National Register of Persons (RENAPER). The percentage increase for the Argentines' main document means a 200 percent since up to now it was costing $ 100.

According to official information, people who do not have the resources to pay the DNI will be exempt from payment, as the documents processed in the daily operations of the program "The State in your neighborhood "and copies of newborns or people who manage it for the first time.

This is the second increase so far this year for the DNI, which had already undergone an increase from $ 60 to $ 100 in January. That is to say that in just seven months it has increased by 400%.

Meanwhile, the pbadport goes from $ 950 to $ 1,500 (almost 58% more). And it had already increased in December, when it went from $ 550 to $ 950. Taking into account the two increases, the increase reaches 173%.

According to the region, which depends on the Ministry of the Interior, Public Works and Housing "in Argentina, 98% of citizens already have their digital identity, which has a validity of 15 years, now l 39; the focus is on the population who have not yet been able to access their document ". Thus, they say, the goal of the national government is to concentrate the resources and efforts that make it possible, thanks to the federal documentation plan, to arrive with trucks that produce documents, vans and suitcases. in the most remote places.

  The pbadport goes from $ 950 to $ 1,500, almost 58% more

The pbadport goes from $ 950 to $ 1,500, almost 58% more.

At present, more than 60% of the documents processed are for renewal, loss or change of address. "In many cases with citizens who have already done more than 30 times to have designed a new nomenclature, surpbading the copy" Z "."

The Argentine document contains biographical and biometric data of the citizen and has 30 security measures that guarantee their inviolability, such as numbering in relief, holographic image and modulated photo in guilloche, barcode, optically variable ink, among others. Between 2016 and 2017, over 15 million IDNs were issued, representing an average of 30,000 documents per day.

With respect to the pbadport, "the state will cease to subsidize all of its production and shipping, while it invests in new technologies for the production of a new copy that will allow us to stay in the foreground as quickly as possible. to travel documents. "

The statement states that "the Argentine pbadport, valid for 10 years, will remain one of the most economic of South America (150 dollars per year), with a lower value in Peru, Chile, Uruguay, in Paraguay and Brazil. "[19659002ItisalsothecasethatArgentinaistheonlycountryintheworldtoprovideinstantpbadportservicesininternationalairportswhichimpliesthatbeforetheeventualityaftertwohoursthereisnomoneyinthepbadportandtravelerswithaproblem

Despite repeated increases, the Renaper notes that" the state does not obtain any gain in either case. "

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