More leaks affecting Lula: now, it is a Supreme Court judge


Since Sunday, the Brazilian version of The Intercept has published a series of conversations between prosecutors and Judge Sergio Moro (currently Minister of Justice), who learned that the leak was far more important than what they had decided to show. And that would come (will come) from hectic weeks in Brazil. The new dialogue that emerges involves Judge Luiz Fux of the Supreme Court in negotiations during which he allegedly illegally armed the cause that led former president Lula Da Silva to prison. and prevented him from standing for election. 2018

This time, the filtering was different: Leandro Demori, editor of The Intercept, revealed this information in a radio show Band News. He introduced it by referring to the defenders of judges and prosecutors who, in his view, wish to naturalize the situation by stating that "this type of relationship between prosecutor and judges is normal". He then proposed to see if this new material also seemed normal.

Um novo stretch #VazaJato was leaked, not planned @ ReinaldoAzevedo e appointment or minister @STF_Oficial, @luizfux. Trust!

– Interception Brazil (@TheInterceptBr) June 13, 2019

Brazilian prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol reportedly sent a message to the group of prosecutors stating, "I have spoken to Fux more than once today. Then he says that the judge told him to count on him for what they need and even to joke with grace: "I missed it, because good" carioca " [nacido en Río de Janeiro]he will invite me to his place. "

He also said, "I told him about the importance of protecting us as institutions."

Then, according to The Intercept, he copies all this and transmits it to Moro. The minister replied: "Excellent, we trust Fux" ("We trust Fux", in Spanish, in a play on words with the US national currency).


Audio, videos and original documents were unveiled by The Intercept Brazil on Sunday, June 9. The revelation cast doubt on the investigation that led Lula to prison. The media reportedly received anonymous reports that judges and prosecutors are organizing to harm Lula and the Workers Party (PT). These are read coordination actions that should not be coordinated, that do not preserve the independence of each role and that even explicitly state that the goal that guides them is that the PT does not come back to power.

The articles had a local and international impact. Since then, Lula's lawyers have once again insisted on the fact that he had to recover his freedom and that it was revealed that the former president was the victim of "judicial maneuvers", "of manipulation of laws and judicial proceedings for the purpose of political persecution ". A phenomenon that is also reported in other countries in the region, such as Argentina or Ecuador.

The impact of this revelation has been high at the international and local levels. Politicians of all levels were pronounced and even the people involved did not deny the veracity of the information but regarded the conversations as "normal". That's what Moro said in a statement.

Concrete consequences, the debate on the possible release of Lula (based on a habeas corpus presented in favor of the former president) and the corregiduría of the National Council of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Brazil (the body that controls the Execution) was reopened by the prosecutors) opened an investigation on this subject, because "it could characterize a functional lack".

The teacher of former President Lula has remained very active in recent days. In a recent citizen's question, how long can you bear an injustice?

In networks, the case is installed under the name of #VazaJato, a word game between the name of the cause and 'Vaza', which means something like mop, overflow. In short, a return to the light.

Julia Muriel Dominzain, RT.


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