More military records will arrive | Buenos Aires


"The United States Government has stated that it will be the largest delivery of decommissioned documents to another State, both in volume and as a file." Argentina looks forward to this documentation, which will be a valuable contribution to the Memory, Truth and Justice process, "the Argentine Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Through the message of the portfolio headed by Jorge Faurie, "the efforts of the National Security Council of the White House, which was in charge of this project of declbadification, were appreciated". For its part, the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Nation has set a date for the delivery of documentation. "On April 12, I will receive, in the building of the National Archives of Washington DC, the most important release of declbadified documents relating to the last civil-military dictatorship," he said via Twitter.

A morning of great interest

The king of Spain, in the countryside

The Spanish Kings, Felipe VI and Letizia Ortiz, will be received today at 11 am at Casa Rosada by the President on the occasion of his first state visit to Argentina. Then, they will go to Córdoba to open the VIIIth Congress of the Spanish language.

Peña will give his report

In a difficult time for the government, the chief of staff, Marcos Peña, will present his first weekly report of 2019 to Congress, where more than 800 opposition issues are waiting for him.


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