More problems for Jair Bolsonaro: a member of the Brazilian delegation tested positive for covid | The far-right president’s trip to New York


A member of the Brazilian delegation that visited New York prepare the participation of President Jair Bolsonaro in the United Nations General Assembly (UN) it gave positive for a coronavirus test, the channel reported on Monday CNN Brazil and confirmed the newspaper Newspaper.

The employee, whose identity did not transcend, works in the protocol area of ​​the Presidency, and had left Brazil about 10 days ago to help plan the logistics of the trip in advance. He felt bad last Friday and the diagnosis of coronavirus was confirmed on Saturday, a day before President Bolsonaro arrived in the United States.

After confirming the contagion, the person was isolated and the UN was informed of what had happened. It is not known how many meetings the infected employee has attended or whether he has been to the entity’s headquarters in recent days. Due to his status in the government, everything indicates that he was staying in the same hotel where Bolsonaro and his entourage are currently located.

“We are in a pandemic: things like this can happen”

Brazilian Health Minister Marcelo Queiroga said he was not aware of any other cases in the team. “But we are in a pandemic and things like this can happen,” he said. In the meantime, he clarified that the infected man will remain in quarantine for 14 days before returning to Brazil.

Bolsonaro is expected to speak at the opening of the General Assembly on Tuesday. Despite his resistance for his refusal to be vaccinated, the Brazilian president has visited several emblematic places in the city since his arrival. Indeed, this Monday a photo of the president was revealed eating on the sidewalk of a pizzeria, in which he could not enter because he does not have a vaccination record against covid-19.


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