More steps and counter-steps | Chavistas and opposition …


PageI12 In Venezuela
From Caracas

Two marches will have the Venezuelan capital. On one side, the government plans to place all its inhabitants on the traditional Bolivar avenue, the one where Hugo Chávez conducted his last presidential campaign in a torrential rain. The mobilization will take place on the 20th anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution. But this will also serve to demonstrate the political support available to the constitutional government of Nicolás Maduro and it will be a message not only for the opposition, but also for the government of Donald Trump, the true leader of this process. indigence set up in Venezuela since the beginning of the year. Meanwhile, east of Caracas, in the main square of Las Mercedes, the opposition will seek to gather a lot of fans who will come to parade nearby points. This will undoubtedly be a day of great tension.

President Maduro continued his tour of military and security garrisons. Something he did throughout the week to show the cohesion that exists between the government and the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (BNAF). Yesterday, for example, he met members of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) where he said: "We are in a historic battle, we are facing the greatest political, diplomatic and economic aggression that Venezuela has ever known for 200 years ". The GNB is one of the state security organizations to which Guaidó wants to go bankrupt by proposing an amnesty to add to his coup project.

While Maduro was visiting the barracks, the role of the other strongman of the government, Diosdado Cabello, has shifted throughout the country to lead a series of popular demonstrations of support and accession to the government . Yesterday, he was in the state of Carabobo where he stated that "the right to do everything he does must leave the constitutional framework, they can not do anything below, they want to interpret it in their own way and give way. Sovereignty to Donald Trump.The Constitution does not admit of interpretation. "These demonstrations served as preparation for Saturday's major march which should be mbadive.

Without doubt, Chavez's mobilization will seek to repudiate foreign aggression and will show that Maduro is far, as the United States thinks, from having lost the base of his support. The date coincides with the mobilization called by Guaidó, but especially with the 20th anniversary of Chávez's presidential inauguration, when everything began. Bolivar Avenue, where the mobilization will take place today, has a very important political and symbolic weight in the history of Chavismo, because it is at this stage that Chávez spoke of the end of his last election campaign of October 2012.

Maduro will arrive this Saturday with several successes in terms of foreign policy, as was the case of the OAS and the UN, where the United States and the opposition did not succeed to impose recognition on Guaidó, as well as the decision of the European Union. to organize a dialogue table at the same time as that proposed by the governments of Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico and Tabaré Vázquez of Uruguay. All the facts that break with the media construction that says the world supports the opposition MP.

For his part, Guaidó will be the protagonist of the mobilization that he convened from 10 am (11 in Buenos Aires) from several neighborhoods east of Caracas. There are the richest municipalities in the Venezuelan capital and the origin of Chavez's rejection before and now Maduro.

The opposition will face the challenge of filling the streets, as Tuesday's meeting was not as important as its organizers wanted. But also because these concentrations were dominated by the neighbors of the middle and upper sectors and without the presence of popular sectors, a social group that Guaidó constantly calls without success. Yesterday, the self-proclaimed president recorded two videos that he posted on Twitter to invite to the mobilization. One of the messages was addressed to Venezuelans living abroad and, in the address addressed to the local population, said that the street activity was intended to "convey a message to the European Union, not only thanks to the European Parliament, called to all the countries that will recognize us soon, "he said. On this occasion, Guaidó recorded the videos with an almost presidential scenography, as he spoke behind a lectern carrying the Venezuelan shield and a national flag. Everything is done in the shade somewhere east of Caracas. The mobilization of the opposition can be more or less numerous. What remains to be defined is whether it will be violent or not, because what was done last January ended with gunfire and arrests.


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