More than 100 cats have been poisoned in Santa Marta


They are said to have poisoned more than 100 cats in Santa Marta on May 28, 2021. Photo: Karina Hernández / Infobae
They are said to have poisoned more than 100 cats in Santa Marta on May 28, 2021. Photo: Karina Hernández / Infobae

In the old sports center of Santa Marta, an event is presented that has outraged visitors. Cats who take refuge in these facilities are found dead and those who travel there to feed and care for them have found the bodies of the animals with signs of poisoning. These citizens say 112 of the animals that live in the area have died in the past 15 days.

Paola Solano, one of the rescuers and caregivers, assured El Heraldo that they have transferred 43 survivors to two vets who support them and that all the animals show signs of poisoning. “They have been poisoned by unscrupulous people who feed them, slowly killing them.”

“They are also life, they do not defend themselves but that’s why we are here”, denounced the woman.

The woman asked for the support of the Town Hall to find those responsible for this event.

Cats who are in the care and protection of the municipal animal care unit office are seen inside a cage, amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, in Bogotá , in Colombia.  April 2, 2020. REUTERS / Luisa González.
Cats who are in the care and protection of the municipality’s Animal Care Unit office are seen inside a cage, amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, in Bogotá , in Colombia. April 2, 2020. REUTERS / Luisa González.

However, the office of the mayor of Santa Marta assured that few cats died and that this was not due to any type of poisoning. The secretary of the district government, Marcelino Cadavid Rada, clarified that “It’s an infection that these animals handle called feline AIDS.”

In addition, he explained that it is a disease that attacks the immunological system and gradually deteriorates health.

“It is a disease transmitted by a virus of the retroviridae family, it is transmitted from mother to fetus and from cat to cat by contact with blood by biting or licking wounds. We are making all economic and operational efforts to serve this entire population, ”said Cadavid Rada.

For her part, the mayor of Santa Marta, Virna Johnson, moderated a working table with a group of animal advocates to establish the roadmap and thus improve the conditions of the homeless canines and felines that roam the streets of the city ​​and promote for next year the creation of an Animal Defense Council.

Among the commitments made is the optimization of resources for sterilization days, thus expanding coverage and ensuring better quality of services provided to stray dogs and cats in the District.

“We will move forward in the management of a team of interveners during the sterilization days, in the same way that we are committed to advancing the constitution of the Animal Defense Board”, declared the mayor Virna Johnson, in front of the initiative that will be managed in Budget 2022.

The President pointed out that “I have always had the will to work for the defense of animals; even in the midst of the pandemic, we have taken steps to benefit them. We know the key is to listen and to work hand in hand with animal lovers, because we will move forward on this path ”.

As part of public policy for the protection and welfare of animals, Mayor Virna Johnson will convene private sector unions to join forces for the benefit of dogs and felines and, in collaboration with the Metropolitan Police, will work on an action plan to improve care before denunciations of animal abuse in Santa Marta.

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