More than 120 detainees in France for the new "yellow vests" march | Chronic


More than 100 people were arrested this Saturday in the city of Paris, France, during the 23rd demonstration of "yellow vests", which were again repressed by the police during a series of abuses. in the vicinity of the Plaza de la Republique.

"We want to live, not survive," asked for a poster addressed to the president Emmanuel Macron, which last Monday, due to the fire of Notre Dame Cathedral, postponed until Thursday a speech in which he was supposed to respond to the demands of the protesters.

The government has deployed a huge police operation with 60,000 agents to control the protesters who, considering the suspension of the announcement, have organized a summons with extreme protest slogans, since it 's safe. was an "ultimatum" for the government.

After the peaceful start of the protest, after the arrest of the police by about 70 people, the uniform began to repress the protesters around noon, face covered, destroyed street furniture and stained glbad.

Yellow vests are prohibited from approaching Notre Dame. (Twitter)

Several vehicles were burned, as well as garbage cans and bus stops, while many demonstrators continued their route to the central square of the Republic, place scheduled for the end of the event.

In total, more than 120 people were arrested, many of them for "carry prohibited objectives", explained the police, who used new legislation providing for preventive detention.

According to the EFE news agency, they confiscated pyrotechnic material, as well as elements to hide the faces of protesters.

READ AS WELL: Violent battle between police and "yellow vests" in France

They badure that there is violence on the part of the police.

The government has protected some areas of the capital, such as the Champs-Elysees or the outskirts of Notre-Dame Cathedral, a victim of a fire last Monday.


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