More than 29.5 million people traveled to Argentina this summer


Around 29.5 million people have crossed Argentina during the summer season for tourist purposes. This represented a consumption of about 147,946 million pesos in the economy, according to the Confederation of Argentine Medium Enterprises (CAME).

"The summer has been moderate and with a lot of expenditure control, has left investment announcements of more than 9,000 million pesos in the sector for the year. This is in addition to the nearly 100 tourist establishments already under construction for an amount of 9.9 billion pesos, "said the economic entity.The average length of stay was 4.2 days and its daily cost per person was 1,194 pesos.

CAME's balance showed that "due to the economic crisis," people have stopped being faithful to their traditional ways and have sought the best relationship between quality and price. " The high real exchange rate has been beneficial for destinations and national centers, which have captured the impact on other countries such as Brazil, Uruguay, Chile and the city of Miami, places that tend to compete with Argentines in popularity middle and high income population.

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During this summer period, investment announcements in the sector for more than 9,000 million pesos were highlighted for the construction of 80 new tourist establishments, according to data compiled by the National Tourism Secretariat. "With the recent $ 100,000 million SME financing line, which includes tourism companies at final rates of between 25% and 29%, the likelihood of these projects being realized is high," he said. # 39; entity.

This will happen "especially if the current exchange rate policy that promotes local tourism is maintained," he added. What was most wanted this season was the Beach areas (sea, river and streams), mountain areas were very well accepted.

Another factor that favored the transfer of people were the promotionsEspecially in the plane tickets. The same goes for localities with baths, where the complexes have been maintained with almost complete occupation on the weekends. There was also a lot of tourism that was behind the cultural, recreational and sports proposals, which have a big influence on travel decisions, CAME said.



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